theDrifter wrote:
Put a strict cap on items - 4 enchants per item at GM and allow the caster to choose which enchants he wants.
That would really swing the pendulum more in favor of melee than it already is. For reasons you listed below, most warriors settle for great MP on all their armor and that's about it. They take considerably reduced damage from spells, but they still get hit. This change wouldn't really hurt them much at all. The classes this would hurt are the casters, who can actually make themselves relatively immune to magic if they put in a significant amount of time. They need that relative immunity, because they are as hell aren't immune to melee damage. A giant throwing rocks hits my gnome sorc for like 35% a throw. :| If casters could just be destroyed by spells as easily as melee there wouldn't be much of a point.
Does the game really benefit from having certain elite players decked out in immune suits? It takes more than an RP'ed relationship to convince someone to spend 20+ real life hours of mindless enchanting for your mercenary.
Which is a good thing, in my opinion. The more completely magic resistant melee classes you see running around in SK, the more obsolete non-healer spellcasters become.
Now, I disagree'd with Ilky's previous thread on a suggested change to enchanting, because I thought it was to far of a shift in one direction. I could -possibly- agree with reducing the amount of time MR is enchanted, very slightly. Because as Demon_SK brought up, it is an enchant that very, very few classes are interested in, in many cases, it's actually a harmful enchantment to have on armor.
As someone whose spent literally hundreds of hours enchanting, it's fairly obvious that MR and MP are the two most common enchantments, with both having a roughly equal chance when compared to each other to be enchanted on armor. After that, I'd have to say Willpower/Fortitude make up the second teir with both of those being enchanted relatively equally. Reflex I'm sure most everyone will agree is the hardest enchant to recieve.
So if something were implemented to reduce MR's chance to land, I'd say at most drop it into the Fort/Willpower chance to hit. Because classes like Necromancers can still find it highly useful, furthermore it -is- a check to enchanting. It's sort of a balancing factor that prevents just everyone in the mud from getting an amazing suit of armor in just two or three hours enchanting. If the chance to land MR is reduced to much, say down to the level of reflex, putting 10 enchants of MP/Will/Fort/Reflex with 0 MR on any given item wouldn't take more than two or three tries.
I know MR is a hassle, and a [REDACTED] to keep enchanting on items you don't want it on. I probably know as well as anyone, and certainly better than most, but it really is a balancing factor for enchanting.