Its all about how you play it, I believe. My necro a few years back only had true enemies in other necros, and even helped lighties fight em. Of course I didn't carry undead with me at those occasions, but still. This guy was probably the exception, of course.
To address the issue, Here's what I think:
Achernar wrote:
Also there's etherealform, final strike, and petrification.T
Easy enough to obtain through other means but, that aside, i think that death shroud and the ability to walk into some areas of the game as if they were your cabal headquarters and lure pursuers there is awesome.
Final strike:
Okay, not much to say there. Personally I do not open discussions concerning finalstrike as I believe it is the single silliest thing in SK.
Yeah, It's been used for great things once or twice, but in my mind, its one of the major reasons big rp events are not organized by players without an imm hand. Someone will almost always come by and FS the place.
Imo, FoD > Petrification.
Petrification will not get you the lewt, nor will it deal any damage if the target saves.
I think the problem is not in the class itself, it is perfectly balanced as I see it, and it still packs a punch hard enough to defeat almost any other class of the game 1v1, even when the necro is under-equipped.
I think the problem is that people still think of what necros once were, in malias's own IC words:
Malias wrote:
Malias tells you 'I am a moving, thinking mass of death.'
Yeah. Necros no longer need 3 people against them in order to have a chance to defeat them, nor can they solo guardians with their undead. This is a good thing IMO.