Konge wrote:
I always make alts four months before I plan to delete a character. Not because I enjoy it or need to have distraction from my main, but simply because I am absolutely horrid at leveling. It is a strategy I can wholeheartedly recommend, though far from optimal.
I agree that making leveling harder is a bad thing, I do however think that you put way too much stock into the obviously twinkish methods of luring NPCs out where they can't get you.
There are other ways to go about toning down twinkish levelling. In my opinion, give GM or champion levels age / hour requirements. If certain character is under age XXX, then theres no way they could be experienced enough to be of that rank. This creates too many child prodigies running around anyways.
As for AoE levelling, it's a legitimate strategy. It's used in many games, and if you can use the terrain to your advantage and exploit a weakness against a NPC, it's a legitimate strategy. It's basically saying that before centaurs had bardings, you couldn't aim lower vs them because it's not fair. They cant defend themselves. It's something that's hard coded into the game, so it should be legit.
Although SK is still infinitely easier to level in compared to most games I've played, it's very boring to level. Pair that with the difficulty of patrols vs extended times spent in lawful areas, and well this kinda screwss over darkies and some greys. From my experiences playing, you get NO respect generally until you can atleast defend yourself, and that's around mentor level because A. Level thieves wt fpwn your gear until then. and B. your skills available to you are generally all, if not mostly accessible. This of course, is common sense though.
The point I'm trying to make is that if you don't want the game to "start at mentor" then stop making levelling harder and find a way to make GM / Champion status actually valuable. Apparently, the armors you can wear at these levels are a big boon, so they shouldn't be able to be rushed to in a week, no matter how easy / hard levelling is.
I vote take this code out and put in a age OR hour requirement for Champion. Again, it only makes sense. It limits twinkery and child prodigy and powerlevelling all in one blow. Boom, problem solved. Just not sure how hard it would be to code. No matter how hard you make levellings it's the newbies who suffer. Think of that. Compared to people who have played for years, my knowledge of the game is very minimal. They go out, they GM in like 80 - 200 hours where as it takes me AGES. If you're so against it, find a way to limit it without hurting the newbies (who have it rough enough already. No offense but SK is NOT the most newbie friendly game..).