Dhanis wrote:
I just laugh at the idea of temporary level loss. That's certainly not anything I would be afraid of? I don't understand why anyone else would. Or why they would bother to cast it.
Nearly all calculations include a level-based aspect. When there used to be heroes, they would be elevated to level 51, which was considered a benefit.
Here are some things that could be effected by level: miss chance, resists, stats, parry/dodge etc.
Depending on how long the temporary loss is, it can make a huge impact. A paladin with level loss cannot call his GM armor. A necromancer with level loss cannot raise wraiths. Scouts can't tame the highest level pets, tribunal members can't command their highest level units.
Adding to this, removing the timer on edrain would further the effect. Make it work like fatigue-- every hit costs another level and resets the timer. You might lose 4 levels in a fight with a necro and be down for 4 hours perhaps.
Even if level loss is only for 1 hour per hit, if you log out, you're subject to level thieves. And I wouldn't let the timer run down while you're logged out.
Additonally, there's no reason that the temporary loss could not be added to the already existing effects of energy drain.
I don't know what game you are playing, but levels in SK are definitely important in every aspect.