Heh, I can already predict the responses this idea is going to get, but what the hell, I'm a glutton for punishment apparently.
Humans are supposed to be the "jack-of-all-trades" race, and to a lesser extent, half-elves because of there partial human blood. To reflect this, humans are given +3 to their main stat, and half-elves recieve +1 to their main stat. However, that main stat is already pre-determined. If you roll a sorceror, it's intellect, priests wisdom, paladins strength, etc...
Now what I propose, is upon creating either a human or a half-elf, instead of having the main stat which the character recieves bonus points be pre-determined, allow the player to pick what stat he or she would like the bonus points to be granted in, and to prevent serious stat twinking, make it a requirement that all the stat points go to one stat, so it's still a solid +3 or +1 to -one- particular stat, the points can't be divided up.
The reason I suggest thing is because despite being the jack of all trades, humans and half-elves still kind of funnel their classes towards one particular roll. That's completely fine for classes like sorcerors, swashbucklers, mercenaries, barbarians, bards, etc... Since those classes really don't have to many different ways of being played that would require a different stat setup. However...
When you start dealing with hybrid classes, paladins, priests, shamans, hellions... there are several different ways to play the classes, and several different stat builds required to be effective at different playstyles.
For instance, say you roll a hellion, if you want to be a melee/malediction based hellion, you're better off going human or helf for the higher strength/con. If you however are interested in playing a more casting based hellion, the type that stands behind a dominate and still wants to cast hellfire and maledictions without having to worry about concentration issues, you're pretty much forced into rolling a deep-elf for the higher concentration. Paladins are in the same boat, melee vs caster/support healer playstyles.
Priests could even use the variety, most priests would still choose the extra wisdom for mana, however if a priest were to choose the higher intellect instead, that would allow the priest to hold two sanctuaries, or more defensive spells on the party, and still be able to heal, he/she wouldn't have as much mana as a drawback however for taking the intellect instead of wisdom, but still it provides a different playstyle.
Shamans definately have several builds/playstyles that could benefit from such. You have tank shamans which would perhaps rather have the points in dexterity, you have healer shamans which like the priest example above, might rather have the intellect, then you have your classic voodoo cannon shaman, who would obviously stick with the wisdom.
Anyways I think I've made my point relatively clear. Humans/helves -can- already excel in all of these different stats, they are simply pre-determined by your class. I say let the players pre-determine were they would like to have their bonus stat points, based on how they want to play their character.
I can already predict some of the negative responses towards an idea like this.
1. Humans are already powerful enough as is!
2. To many people play humans/helves already!
This will only further increase the lack of people playing other races!
3. Stereotypical jaded vet response, something along the lines of: It's been like this since my grandpapy and it shouldn't change!
So, to sum briefly.
Yes, humans and to a lesser extent helves, are pretty much the two most solid races, largely due to the lack of crippling racial weaknesses, and solid stats across the board. This change wouldn't really change that, they'd still have the same amount of stat points, it just allows for more character flexibility.
People will always play humans/helves for the reasons listed above, until Dulrik either gives them a few racial weaknesses, or removes/improves the racial weaknesses of some of the other races. This change once again, will not do anything to break the boat that hasn't already been done.
I'm sure you trudged through the summer snow up the mountain both ways.
Anyways, I'd like to hear constructive thoughts.
Last edited by Sypher on Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.