Provided your story is entirely true, I'm pretty appalled. Granted, at this point, my reaction and even the truth are more or less worthless. However I will try to explain what limited perspective I had, since I suppose I was involved with this character towards the end of his life and feel some responsibility to do so.
Fepel Veiled wrote:
After Algon, of all people, started asking me questions on YIM, I dropped back on about two weeks ago. I logged on, got some lewt, and went about to try to clear my name. It seems that in my absence Ardith was quite busy in making sure that EVERYONE in the [REDACTED] game knew I was a notorious criminal. When I get back on, in less than a day there was four or five attempts on my life, all of which stemmed from lies that Ardith spread. Evidently I was a Griffon slaughtering, traitorous, elf hating evil thing that consorted with the North and was a lapdog of the East. I spent a week trying to clear my name, but with work and stuff I wasn't able to be on nearly as much as I had liked to. Every day it seemed like another obstacle to overcome, and unlike Rokshi, no one else out there in SK land believes that a person can redeem themselves.
In attempting to figure out your character and his story, my young character didn't have much to rely on. These were the only established facts: you had been tried and removed by the Council of Blossoms (which I could only have assumed acted within reason), and then for some reason removed and deported by Alleli. After that, it was basically your word versus the Fist's. Considering these were several lighties who I'd been working with for some time, and you were a single greybie with only that negative track record of trial/deportation for me to go on, I obviously came into the situation rather biased. After talking to my best soldier, who wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, I figured it would only be fair to investigate further. After all, the fervor with which your name was being slandered seemed to greatly contradict the story you told me (which at least appeared honest and articulate), and so I wanted a 3rd party opinion. I looked for any non-Fist characters that might've been alive and kicking while you were in power. The few that I found gave similarly negative reviews. And then the following situation happened:
Fepel Veiled wrote:
I even had members of the Talons who a week earlier was asking for my help who wanted to throw me out of the city.
This had nothing to do with slander, nor did it deal with more than one member. You had betrayed the trust of that member, after she had betrayed
my character's trust, for you. Very ironically, this was the only character who had stood up for you, a character that had been paranoid of virtually everything in Zhenshi: Judge Kelah, the Council of Blossoms, the Fist, her commanding officers, even some of the external references towards you, and more. And yet you, with a reputation ostensibly sketchier than all of these organizations combined, earned her trust in moments. I like to think I did my best with an honest IC investigation, and that she did more than her best giving you a chance. You botched it with her. So try not to get too snarky with this "nobody believes in redemption" stuff.
This was pretty much the clincher. Excluding the very relevant and obvious fact that your character's RP, while respectable and well-played, was basically in direct conflict with the actions/goals of the current organization... you had also proven yourself to be generally untrustworthy in my character's eyes. Given all of that, it became much easier to once again believe the characters that had been running the organization when my character joined it. So that was that.
I don't know how you feel about this, or if you particularly cared about the induction or not, but I felt it was worth tying up any loose ends on my side.