ilkaisha wrote:
Granted. But, on the same hand, there seems to have been the promise of something more given to a few players/characters. That's fine, if it's going to happen within a reasonable period of time within those specific characters' lifetimes.
I'm not sure what you think you know, or how, but I'll gladly state for the record that this is not necessarily the case. The long-term direction of things
as it stands right now is indeed founded on the sum of at least three conflicting visions presented to me months ago by various playergroups [some of whom have been more active than others, yes], but there are certainly possibilities still open, and room for others to be woven into the tale.
ilkaisha wrote:
Now you seem to be saying, "No, and especially if you are trying to work for it."
Okay... hmmm. I guess what I'm trying to get across is that anything that's to come to pass in this regard is going to have to develop organically, that I'm not looking for the first excuse to pass out a cookie to the first person who can come up with some halfway passable RP based on OOC knowledge about what the Blood Path used to be.
Mourning Song wrote:
a bunch of stuff
Largely agreed. As a matter of fact, those who've experienced the first stirrings of Anything At All have done so as a result of the same initial approach.
This is really all I care to say about this publicly and OOCly.