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Cavaliers / Dragoons: Good idea?
Yes 43%  43%  [ 6 ]
No 21%  21%  [ 3 ]
Other Class idea: (Explain in post please.) 14%  14%  [ 2 ]
Wert option 21%  21%  [ 3 ]
Total votes : 14
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:51 pm 
Mortal Philanthropist

Joined: Mon Jun 21, 2004 12:58 pm
Posts: 3632
Location: Spokane, WA
A high lvl skill that I can see is they they get a mount dodge skill. Also, as a high lvl skill. Let them equip stuff on their mount. Once the mount stops being theirs, it drops all of the eq. Just a couple of suggestions.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:54 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:28 am
Posts: 1538
The eq on the mount is an interesting idea. Skills that buff the mount instead of the PC would be the only way that I could honestly think of making them different than a merc or hammer. At least at the moment.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:20 pm 
Mortal Philanthropist

Joined: Mon Jun 21, 2004 12:58 pm
Posts: 3632
Location: Spokane, WA
Yes, having mount only skills/magic. IE, protective, healing, etc.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 1:29 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:42 pm
Posts: 944
Well, in terms of unique skills and attacks..I'm really not sure. I mean, if you gave them anything it would have to be like a charge attack or so, which isn't an option since a faction cabal already as that.

However, if we take what most games do with Dragoon, and generally turn it into say a wyvern / dragon rider class, then you open the door to their "jumping" abilities, which is what supposedly makes a Dragoon a Dragoon in most of your fantasy games. FFXI Online for example, Dragoons specialize in lances (their strongest attack called Penta Thrust which is a five stage stab attack with a lance that does huge damage) and they have special skills such as Jump (standard jump attack) High Jump (more damage) And of course Super Jump (Mario anyone? Even more damage with aggro reduction.)

However, I'm not out to rip off other games, hence why I was a bit hesitant to suggest it in the first place. Personally, I like the idea of having mounted units to fight, it's just a shame that it seems the only true cavaliers are limited to one faction of the game, one that I will never see myself playing any time soon to be hones. I just don't like light auras too much. I've tried them. Maybe that will change in time.

Anyways, back on topic hmm...Unique skills. I'm not really sure about the pet healing thing or pet buffs. I mean, it would seem to make it more of a pet class, and Warlock / Sorc kind of has that covered already as does Scouts. Right now, I've heard some complain that swords are better at reaching than polearms etc, and well, Landy's are powerful yes, but so are Naginatas. I just feel there should be a class that focuses on Polearms / Lances that would be really neat, maybe bring some attention to some subtypes that are considered inferior.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:34 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2004 7:05 pm
Posts: 769
If you're going to make jumping dragoons, I guess you might as well put in chocobos. And Bahamut.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:16 pm 
Enishi wrote:
If you're going to make jumping dragoons, I guess you might as well put in chocobos. And Bahamut.

Dragoon's are mounted units of prestige in the British forces. They never lead the charge, they just cleaned up when the opposing side retreated.

However if you really want a lay out that would make a Cavalier a class all its own, then you'll have to focus on his mount and riding skills. So lets start on his weapon make-up.

Since he's a mounted fighter, one handed weapons would be his most primary weapon. Swords, Daggers, Spears, Lances would be some of the most suitable weapons, though daggers only because everyone gets it to start with. Crossbows and possible bows for brief ranged attacks. A new type of shield slot would also be welcomed, a Buckler worn on the wrist so the rider can keep his one hand maintained on the reigns of his mount to keep his balance and add defense to his exposed side where no means of attack is possible.

Now as for openers, two possible options.

1) Charge - Using his weapon to directly strike his opponent as he charges in with his mount. One handed weapons are the only ones possible for such an attack mainly because of balance issues on his mount, strike with a two handed weapon will throw the rider off balance and off his horse unless strapped in, then it just may twist his spine.

2) Trample - Using his mount as the weapon, not as damaging as a Charge but will knock the opponent to the ground leaving him stunned.

Assisting skills (Auto) that would come into affect while in melee would be some type of Horsemanship, allowing him to hit more accurately and with more damage as the only parts of his foe he can strike are the upper region, which tend to be the more fatal of attacks.

To accompany his own attacks would be his mount as they are also trained to act as a secondary weapon in his arsenal. The horse has the power to bring its front hooves down upon some hapless foe, strike them to the ground with a powerful rear kick, or throw them off balance with a hip check (Yes animals can do this to some surprising affect).

His mount would also receive addition boosts to its own strength and combat fighting as he's been trained to fight on one and use one as a weapon itself. However since this is the magical world of SK, having the ability to summon some mystic steed or tame one from the wilds would be no surprise. Though one could do one farther in this and in later levels allow the Cavalier to tame/summon flying mounts and ride these beasts into battle with an even more cruel efficiency. Leading to a new opening attack, like Dive Bomb while in flight which is more damaging than a trample with the same knock down effect. One could even now incorporate the mounts wings in combat using gust of wind to throw people back.

And lastly as he is a mounted fighter, his ability to flee far exceeds that of anyone not mounted as he can use the sheer power of his horse to blow through his opposition and make a break for it, giving him a individual retreat type tactic. Also with a mount not hard to come to someones rescue using your own mount as a barrier for an ally.

Now his only weaknesses would be getting him off his mount and by himself. Right now the only affective way of doing this is to kill his mount before they kill you. However with a change to bash allowing someone a slight chance to knock you off your horse may be in order to keep this class inline when it comes to balance since on a mount he is a monster.

Now there you have it, with this write up you'll find that this class isn't possible without stripping a cabal of three of its powers.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:04 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:42 pm
Posts: 944
Chemhound2007 wrote:
Enishi wrote:
If you're going to make jumping dragoons, I guess you might as well put in chocobos. And Bahamut.

Dragoon's are mounted units of prestige in the British forces. They never lead the charge, they just cleaned up when the opposing side retreated.

However if you really want a lay out that would make a Cavalier a class all its own, then you'll have to focus on his mount and riding skills. So lets start on his weapon make-up.

Since he's a mounted fighter, one handed weapons would be his most primary weapon. Swords, Daggers, Spears, Lances would be some of the most suitable weapons, though daggers only because everyone gets it to start with. Crossbows and possible bows for brief ranged attacks. A new type of shield slot would also be welcomed, a Buckler worn on the wrist so the rider can keep his one hand maintained on the reigns of his mount to keep his balance and add defense to his exposed side where no means of attack is possible.

Now as for openers, two possible options.

1) Charge - Using his weapon to directly strike his opponent as he charges in with his mount. One handed weapons are the only ones possible for such an attack mainly because of balance issues on his mount, strike with a two handed weapon will throw the rider off balance and off his horse unless strapped in, then it just may twist his spine.

2) Trample - Using his mount as the weapon, not as damaging as a Charge but will knock the opponent to the ground leaving him stunned.

Assisting skills (Auto) that would come into affect while in melee would be some type of Horsemanship, allowing him to hit more accurately and with more damage as the only parts of his foe he can strike are the upper region, which tend to be the more fatal of attacks.

To accompany his own attacks would be his mount as they are also trained to act as a secondary weapon in his arsenal. The horse has the power to bring its front hooves down upon some hapless foe, strike them to the ground with a powerful rear kick, or throw them off balance with a hip check (Yes animals can do this to some surprising affect).

His mount would also receive addition boosts to its own strength and combat fighting as he's been trained to fight on one and use one as a weapon itself. However since this is the magical world of SK, having the ability to summon some mystic steed or tame one from the wilds would be no surprise. Though one could do one farther in this and in later levels allow the Cavalier to tame/summon flying mounts and ride these beasts into battle with an even more cruel efficiency. Leading to a new opening attack, like Dive Bomb while in flight which is more damaging than a trample with the same knock down effect. One could even now incorporate the mounts wings in combat using gust of wind to throw people back.

And lastly as he is a mounted fighter, his ability to flee far exceeds that of anyone not mounted as he can use the sheer power of his horse to blow through his opposition and make a break for it, giving him a individual retreat type tactic. Also with a mount not hard to come to someones rescue using your own mount as a barrier for an ally.

Now his only weaknesses would be getting him off his mount and by himself. Right now the only affective way of doing this is to kill his mount before they kill you. However with a change to bash allowing someone a slight chance to knock you off your horse may be in order to keep this class inline when it comes to balance since on a mount he is a monster.

Now there you have it, with this write up you'll find that this class isn't possible without stripping a cabal of three of its powers.


I totally <3 you chemhound. I was thinking on this on my way home, and I figured that if it would be a class, it would be neat if they had skills that could be used with only certain weapons.

For example, you were talking about different types of opening attacks via the mount. Well, how bout just an attack that can only be activated with say a lance? And another skill or two, like Pierce / Double pierce. (self explanatory) No chance of instant kill or anything, just a fairly damaging attack that can penetrat armor. After all, that's what lances are for, right? If mounted on a flying mount, say, a wyvern or some other flying creature, they could have an attack called Heaven's Dive, which is a trample attack like you say, only the creature swooping at them and the dragoon impaling hte person.

This is of course all in the works. Furthermore, since the typical Wyvern rider dragoon, and most dragoons you see in games prefer mobility over defense, give them light armor. I think that would balance them out fairly well, as a dragoon wouldn't be very mobile with heavy armor, even if mounted.

So a help file of dragoon, could read something like:

Dragoons are masters of the Lance and mounted units, relying on a steed of some kind to unleash their full potential. (etc)

However I just got home from a 12 hour shift and i'm dog tired to think of anymore. Just like Hellions have cleaving weapons, Rogues have backstab weapons, Dragoons could have Piercing weapons (a small selection of various lances would be cool.)

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:00 pm 

Joined: Sat Oct 01, 2005 11:32 pm
Posts: 424
I would give them some nifty skills like this:

When mounted a Dragoon is a master of his surroundings and can easily determine defects in his opponents defense.

Mounted combatants are most vulnerable when surrounded, they quickly learn the time to break rank and remove themselves from unfavorable combat. (Like retreat but only for Dragoon.)

An opening attack that is greatly feared. Useable only with a onehanded polearm (lance). This skill has the chance of dismounting a foe, possibly killing him or disabling a vital part of his body. IE: A foxy male human's joust pierces your arm making it go numb. A foxy male human's joust slams the side of your head giving you a concussion. A foxy male human's joust finds it's mark and skewers your eye, you are shishkabob.

As mounted masters, dragoons can dismount from their mounts once battle is joined and the position is no longer favorable.

Mounted Advantage:
While mounted the Dragoon is harder to hit and can angle for better blows against his enemy.

I would also give them a special to buy mount like paladins and hellions. And round out their skills with Rescue, Sword, Dagger, Spec: Lance, Crossbow, trip, Third attack, dodge, parry, eparry, enhanced damage. A few others to round it out and make it a mounted specialist. But not enough to make them anything without their mounts. I'm thinking a class that is total [REDACTED] without being mounted, but when they are they can be equal to most other classes.

Now in reality, I would never like to see said class. A certain cabal would become mostly these and would be twinks like no tomorrow.

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