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Cavaliers / Dragoons: Good idea?
Yes 43%  43%  [ 6 ]
No 21%  21%  [ 3 ]
Other Class idea: (Explain in post please.) 14%  14%  [ 2 ]
Wert option 21%  21%  [ 3 ]
Total votes : 14
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 Post subject: Idea: New Class: Calvalry / Dragoon
PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:09 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:42 pm
Posts: 944
With the inclusion of mounts and such, most people tend to use them for traveling alone, some however fight along with it, but nine times out of ten they're behind their mount and fighting on foot.

So, I say we spice things up a bit. Calvalry / Dragoons / Cavalier (no, not the dragon riders. Look up Dragoons in Merriam Webster, it's a type of Calvalry unit as well.) are units that specialize on being mounted and generally using heavy armor / weapons. Most of the time, jousters are a good example of this fighting mounted with heavy lances and such.

So the Idea is this. Why not make a class that focuses on being mounted and using say Polearms extensively? They could have a boost sort of like specialization for mercs, however it only takes effect if they're A. Mounted on something ( not necessarily a horse mind you.) and B. Using a pole arm type weapon. And they'd get a somewhat larger boost for using a lance. I think this would give a good variation of people instead of just your normal foot soldier types that we have currently. Also it could bring some of the lesser used polearms to light.

If you have an idea for another class, by all means share it here.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:35 pm 

Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2005 7:50 pm
Posts: 1798
Sounds like at least one cabal in SK will be fun to explore for you.

Granted some cabals certainly aren't as visible as they have been, but cabals have always been one of SK's strong perks. Maybe with the implementation of the proposed dual membership, coupled by Achernar (EZE)'s lieutenant system, the game would shine even more.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:40 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:42 pm
Posts: 944
Minette wrote:
Sounds like at least one cabal in SK will be fun to explore for you.

Granted some cabals certainly aren't as visible as they have been, but cabals have always been one of SK's strong perks. Maybe with the implementation of the proposed dual membership, coupled by Achernar (EZE)'s lieutenant system, the game would shine even more.

The problem is that the skill is limited to one cabal, which is limited to one aura...That to me doesn't seem right as it, in my opinion limits RP, which is a bad thing. Typically when you have wars, one side doesn't have archers. Or One side doesn't have cavaliers. Any army has their standard basic units and counter units. Ie Both sides have cavaliers / mounted fighters, just different in form and fashion. Both sides have spearmen / archers etc.

It's rare for one faction of a war to have something so common unique to itself. Now if it were something in the times that say Catapults were just invented and the first army using it yes, I could see that happening, but as it stands now, I find it rather disappointing that only one faction in SK has any type of abilities that rely on mounts. They already have other abilities unique to themselves..I just feel that both factions should have units that could use mounts, hence the idea.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:42 pm 

Joined: Fri Mar 28, 2003 10:52 am
Posts: 1273
Location: Dark side of the moon
I should point out a mistake in your thinking habits, when it comes to SK. You cannot compare SK's logic to real world logic, because in SK there is no logic.

The end.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:10 pm 
Yet another class that has been brought up when I played heavily 5-6 years ago. One of a few classes that came up when some of us felt cabal's should be stripped from the game due to the facts,

1) Player base can't really support all the faction present.
2) Majority of players just want the extra powers.
3) CTF was a bad bad bad idea.

The idea was to remove the Cabals and use the tribunals to sweep up the members for much bigger factions in the game besides the obvious lopsided ones that is always generated. Once the Cabals were out of the picture, the skill sets could go towards the construction of new classes,

FIST = Monk
Druids = Druids (Or a Shaman revamp)
Hammer = Cavalier
Midnight Council = Hellion revamp
Harlies = ???
Adepts = A new dark caster type

And I would so very much see this day come.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:19 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:28 am
Posts: 1538
Stripping cabals in place of new classes is an interesting idea. If this was done I'd like to see the ability for players to make their own player groups (perhaps with a number limit) that would give them cabal chat.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:22 pm 
Mortal Contributor

Joined: Fri Oct 10, 2003 7:41 am
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I've always been in favor of stripping the Cabals of powers and making new classes.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:45 pm 

Joined: Sat May 07, 2005 8:16 am
Posts: 4124
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
SK Character: Achernar
Not going to strip cabals out of SK. I just don't see it happening.
(back on topic)

I'd be curious to see a list of skills for this class. I'm not opposed, but I'm not sure what would make him stand out as opposed to the mercenary or barbarian classes. What skills would he have that are unique?

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:12 pm 
Achernar wrote:
Not going to strip cabals out of SK. I just don't see it happening.
(back on topic)

I'd be curious to see a list of skills for this class. I'm not opposed, but I'm not sure what would make him stand out as opposed to the mercenary or barbarian classes. What skills would he have that are unique?

There wouldn't be one unless the Hammer magically disappeared as a Cavalier/Dragoon is a mounted type of fighting unit.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:30 pm 

Joined: Sat May 07, 2005 8:16 am
Posts: 4124
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
SK Character: Achernar
Chemhound2007 wrote:
Achernar wrote:
Not going to strip cabals out of SK. I just don't see it happening.
(back on topic)

I'd be curious to see a list of skills for this class. I'm not opposed, but I'm not sure what would make him stand out as opposed to the mercenary or barbarian classes. What skills would he have that are unique?

There wouldn't be one unless the Hammer magically disappeared as a Cavalier/Dragoon is a mounted type of fighting unit.

Well that's more than a little unimaginative.

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