stratford wrote:
Well it sounds to me like your scenarios were not live. The spell-ups are where it really makes a difference for the swashbuckler (read: 25str/25dex). Otherwise the merc will definitely outdamage the swash.
I agree with you but I'm making a distinction. I, too, believe mercenaries are overall superior to swashbucklers because of reach/bash/trip. That's not necessarily true in a 1v1 situation.
We're quibbling over 5% endgame melee leetness for anyone new to the conversation. And no, Algon, before you post, I don't think you faced any decent enemies, and that your tests were skewed.
Sorry for a lull in the debate, went to go play poker with some friends, and I hope you take it as such, I'm really not trying to flame or anything, just have an intelligent discussion.
No the scenarios were not live, with spirit disorientation it's really impossible to test in live combat, and rarely does a gem like Lothar come along who you can gank 4-5 times a day to test things out. However, I find duels between melee classes to be fairly accurate representations of fair combat, which is what we're talking about here, straight melee combat, given that both sides are affected by the 25% "stun wall".
Also, everyone can get spellups, so I think it really makes it a moot point whether you test with them or not. Sure a swashy can haste and GS up for 25str/dex, but so can any merc.
As far as the point of mercs being overall superior, I'm glad we at least see eye to eye on that. I'm simply saying that even in a 1v1 situations at worst I view mercs as no worse than swashbucklers, and at best, in my experiences a well played merc will win probably 70% of the battles with an equally geared merc. Are they close? Certainly, I almost never had a battle with Ghustaph or any other very well geared swashy were we both didn't at least hit the 25% barrier, but in 3/4ths of them the merc comes out on top.
That's just not the way it should be in my opinion. Mercs shouldn't be better than swashbucklers in straight up combat, the swashy should mop the floor with them 8 times out of 10, that is after all what the class is MEANT to do. They are THE melee combat specialists, that's all they can do, there's no reason another class who has the advantage of reach, and very effective ranged weaponry, plus several group benefiting skills should even come CLOSE to standing toe to toe with a swashy. Even if I thought that swashies did win slightly more than mercs in 1v1 situations, I still wouldn't be satisfied with that, mercs just have so many more advantages.
So really that brings us back to the original subject. Mercs don't use blitzkreig unless they're just toying around. They either bash, trip, dirt, or aren't using a weapon capable of it. Swashies on the other hand would have the time and the want in combat to make effective use of it just as the skill is. It'd make them a bit more valuable in group combat, they might not be able to hit healers or other squishy casters, but they can certainly taunt them to keep them in place, and then go to town blitzing down the front row while the casters can't heal.
[REDACTED] I just realized it, but that's an even better point! Swashies are also the only class that can FORCE people to attack them. In order to use blitz you must be the one being attacked. The more I talk about this the more great reasons I keep on comming up with for swashies to have blitzkrieg as it is, or even slightly improved.
They definately need a boost in solo and group PK situations, giving them blitz would be a start because they can make infinately more use of it than any other class in the game can. Even then I think they could use something extra, but it just makes perfect sense for swashies to have blitz, and trust me having played a merc, merc's won't miss it one bit.