Kin wrote:
At the time of said duel, I had Protection, Gstr and Haste on. 25 str and 23-25 dex. From my understanding Protection works on melee damage and shield works on spell damage. As far as buffs go, that's really all i know of.
Sorry, I actually substantially screwed that up. I was thinking shield.
Protection protects against all damage from the opposite aura, physical or magical I believe. Shield only works on magical damage, but from any aura.
On my weapon I casted weaken and poison (both of which have a str hit) and both landed.
Plague is another spell hellions can cast I believe, and it actually helps in combat by reducing their dex. There's one more maledict I think, but it can be tough to get all the buffs on in time.
I also aimed lower with the cleave with a landy, fully enchanted (greater hit + damage) and cleave at superb. Max int, wisdom etc. I done about..17% damage to him. He chewed through my nightmare with a one handed weapon (as i believe he had a shield) in literally 1 and a half rounds...Landed bash before my hellfire even cast, and in the 3 rounds that followed..It was like...100-51..dead. or so. 3 rounds. It seems my crit cleaves don't hit often anymore. Then again, I don't have it mastered yet either (takes foreeeeeeeever to train it) which I probably should..
You should have had a dominate. Having a nightmare is only sufficient if you're going to fight a class with low melee damage. There are some good dominates out there that are equivalent to mentor level mercenaries, but you should ask other hellions IC about them if you can.
Edit: Needless to say this kind of makes me go W..T..F. is all. I'm wondering how some classes can literally solo pump out so much damage and take so little in return. Generally just about ever encounter i've had, most have killed my nightmare, don't get me wrong (as i'm always behind it) but that's the quickest i've ever seen one killed.
There is a maximum potential and an average potential to each class. What this means is that while some classes are absolute POWERHOUSES when equipped the best, they tend to suck when they don't have such equipment.
Mercenaries are probably the best class in the game if they could get any eq with any enchants they wanted. They dish out the most physical damage over time of any class, they can tank the most, they can reach and enchants make them highly resistant to spells. On the flip side, a merc with iron armor and a steel weapon will be killed by anybody who walks by and looks at them funny.
Hellions, on the other hand, have a good (but not superb) maximum potential but a decent average potential. I mean, a hellion with a cleaving weapon and enough cash for a nightmare is damn dangerous. Put the dominate in front of you, get it a decent weapon. Maledict blade, cleave to open combat, use hellfire to really hurt them afterwards. Your damage output is going to be very close to the same whether you are naked (excluding weapon) that you are when you are fully equipped. Only your defense suffers.
That's a simplification of the issue. If you want further insight, visit javamonkey's website and post the log of your combat and people can help break down what you did wrong.