Nutty_gnome wrote:
However, once at 50, there is an incredibly thick glass ceiling between those players that have the knowldege needed to excel at the end-game of SK (i.e. staying alive in a fight) and those that dont. Perhaps your energy is better directed at breaking though this glass ceiling prior to hitting 50. Good luck and if you can do it, I salute you.
This made me laugh, and was a pleasant start to my morning. Since you probably have no idea who I have played and have never interacted with them, thanks for the good wishes, but I think I'll be ok.
This just keeps coming up. I've given my answer before and now I'll give it again. I don't support making levelling faster.
That's really what I was expecting, so that ends this thread.
In order to break this extremely lame cycle of "needing to GM before playing", YOU have to be prepared to take that step as well.
Actually I said master, because that used to be when things could be competitive in the arena of PK. Since the master to GM levels are substantially harder to get alone as a non spellcaster class, this isn't a trivial distinction.
That idea is cohorts.
I just read the cohorts thread and I like it. However, if you're the kind of person (like me) who is looking for a balanced RP/PK experience, that doesn't help you at all. It gives you some rp interaction, which is great, and slightly increases leveling speed, which is also nice, but that doesn't solve the fact that if you spend 2 hours leveling a day, it'll still be a real life month before you're in the PK scene.
I'll post my thoughts on cohorts in that thread, but I still find leveling boring as hell. Put it this way- I'd rather read and post on the forums than login and level. It is THAT boring.
This thread did, however, remind me of some reasons why solo leveling in WoW is bearable and not so in SK. I'll make a post about that too after I organize my thoughts.