you're saying the scrolls you need to defeat heavy armor classes are easy to get but you'd also like to beat them one on one without them
I said the opposite. They are HARD to get. Usually someone else has them. Unless I spend about 10 hours a day on the game, about anything worth having is hard to get. It's not about killing a heavy armor class, it's about being able to stand a few more hits to better run away realy.
I'm not asking for a change to help me flat out KILL a merc, (you can do it without scrolls already, as long as they don't get in that bash/bash/bash.) And rogues will never kill barbs unless they get lucky as hell or again, spam scroll reciting.
Enhanced parry would make rogues die a few rounds later when in a melee situation with Mercs/Barbs/Paladins/Hellions.
It's not like a merc or a swashy should be able to parry a greatsword or greataxe either, why not remove enhanced parry from them? Unless they use a weapon capable of parry two handed weapons realisticly.
Rogues 101: If you're completely (emphasis!) alone, don't expect to backstab an equal level heavy warrior and then win out somehow. They're obviously going to annihilate you even if you're all buffed up and land the dual bs.
Why not? As long as its not a counterstriking barb. My rogue killed quite a few heavy armor mercs with multiple backstabs. Stunned alot of them too. They also missed their bashes. (Yay for me.) Just don't expect to do it in one backstab.
And your not really an idiot for doing anything in this game...