And If I roll again I promise you all he/she will be a PAR so people can stop bitchin' about RP.
PAR doesn't really mean you've got good rp behind you. It can just mean you've got yourself a character whose older than most, and has been present in some major events/rped with a few paragons in the past.
Generaly if you're looking for proof you're a good rper, you've already failed.
sure others can judge your rp, but first and foremost you need to have RP for yourself, and not so that it looks cool to those around you. Remember, the good rper is the guy who will sit down in the corner and not talk to anyone because that's his character's portfolio, not the guy who will shape his character portfolio in a way so that he will always seem like the most important bean in the sack.
Anyway. You bothered so much with loot and PK on thispar that every time I got a tell from him, I sighed, expecting to hear something loot/pk related.
Eusd was far better, but it seems you were corrupted by th general 'OMGIMUSTWIN' aura of several SK players. If you do come back, I'm sure you'll do great, though. Enjoy