- Remove compulsion - New spell for cloth armor priests
What about light armor priests?
I'd be inclined to say that priests of light armor faiths have the benefit of having generally more 'tolerant' dogmas to 'unorthodox' RPing behaviors.
Still, seeing that in this game you chose your religion instead of it choosing you at the beginning of your creation, and since this is an RPG where balance is considered important, I feel I should ask. What about light armor priests? What's their perk?
It is widely known that cloth armor can be as good as light armor with a certain spell, and that some cloth armor priests will be using a certain type of armor giving them the same amount of defense (but perhaps not AC) as heavy armor priests. Of course, same stands for light armor priests, but they don't get any love.
Surely enough, cloth priests needed a boon. I had thought this would be taken care of with the new religion spells which are supposedly going to be more powerful in cloth religions. However, with this change, it seems that the light armors get the short end of this stick. No dispel charm spell, and a 'weaker' religion spell than that of the clothies.
Is there something in store for light armor priests?