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 Post subject: [PAR Sor] [None] Rikka - Clerk Of Sophus Justice
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:26 pm 

Joined: Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:50 pm
Posts: 3502
Location: Canada
SK Character: Karsh
I don't doubt there will be some cheers upon seeing the title of this thread, and that's fine, it was always my intent that she would be hated, or at least create exasperation with her refusal to bend.

Regardless of others' personal opinions of her, though, she was my first SK character and I'm proud of what I did with her, conceptually and ICly.

Her last moment alive:

Yalden says 'Sorry to inuerrupt'

Life 100|Mind 93|Move 100
Coin zero|Place Base of Spiraling Steps
You slump over and stop breathing.
You have died of natural causes.
You release all your spells.
You feel solid again.
You feel less aware of your surroundings.
You no longer see invisible objects.

Life 100|Mind 99|Move 100
Coin zero|Place Base of Spiraling Steps

Well, I'll write up and post her history in a while (68 weeks of a character, plus backstory, is a lot of writing and will take a bit of time), but I'll give a brief concept exploration here.

Rikka was a literal outsider in Pyrathia (that will be explained in her history, for those who are curious). However, I modeled her to be SK's "version" of Ayn Rand, and succeeded fairly well. She was also meant to, and did, lead a good life without sacrifice. This raised a lot of hackles in lightie circles, but it did spawn a lot of good RPs on a various sides of the fence. She was opinionated from character creation, undaunted by anyone, self-confident to a fault, self-reliant above all, and absolutely unwavering in her principles. Conceptually, she was everything I meant her to be, and reactions from those who interacted with her are the proof and validation of that.

Love her or hate her, she was what I wanted her to be, right up to the moment of her death.

I'll get to the history when I don't have a rambunctious kid trying to climb me like a jungle gym.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:39 pm 

Joined: Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:50 pm
Posts: 3502
Location: Canada
SK Character: Karsh
Oh. Right. Stats.


Innate - self defense (mastered) endurance (mastered)
toughness (mastered)
Amateur - dagger (good) sling (not learned)
staff (mastered) dodge (mastered)
scrolls (good) staves (superb)
swim (superb) wands (very good)
taslamaran tongue (mastered) uxmaln tongue (mastered)
zhensh tongue (mastered) empire tongue (mastered)
aghelian tongue (very good) sylvan tongue (mastered)
firmyrn tongue (superb) deep tongue (superb)
taslamaran writing (good) uxmaln writing (fair)
zhensh writing (mastered) empire writing (good)
sylvan writing (fair) firmyrn writing (very good)
deep writing (fair)
Novice - meditation (mastered)
Apprentice- crossbow (superb)
Journeyman- trance (mastered)
Expert - scribe (mastered)

Life 100|Mind 100|Move 100
Coin zero|Place Sith'a'niel Commons

Amateur - armor (mastered) change sex (superb)
detect buried (superb) detect magic (superb)
magic missile (mastered) ventriloquate (superb)
Novice - color spray (mastered) continual light (superb)
detect hidden (superb) detect invis (superb)
fly (superb) invis (superb)
Initiate - enlarge (superb) giant strength (very good)
identify (mastered) infravision (superb)
shrink (mastered) sleep (superb)
Apprentice- acid blast (mastered) cancellation (superb)
mirror image (superb) shield (superb)
teleport (mastered) understand (superb)
Journeyman- airy water (superb) charm person (mastered)
dispel magic (mastered) etherealform (mastered)
haste (superb) tongues (superb)
Veteran - locate object (mastered) mass invis (superb)
polymorph (superb) summon (mastered)
Expert - detect aura (superb) enchant armor (mastered)
enchant weapon (mastered) recharge (very good)
Mentor - depetrification (good) gate (mastered)
petrification (superb) spell ward (superb)
Master - final strike (good)

Life 100|Mind 100|Move 100
Coin zero|Place Sith'a'niel Commons

o [Attributes] Rikka - Clerk Of Sophus Justice o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Griffon Class: Sorceror o
o Age: 68 Sex: Female Size: Large o
o Alignment: Scrupulous Handiness: Right handed Religion: Pantheist o
o STR: Powerful INT: Genius WIS: Wise o
o DEX: Nimble CON: Durable CHA: Sociable o
o Carrying capacity: 16 items with a maximum weight of 300.0 pounds. o

Life 100|Mind 100|Move 100
Coin zero|Place Sith'a'niel Commons
o [Scores] Rikka, - Clerk Of Sophus Justice o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Griffon Class: Sorceror o
o Kingdom: Ayamao Cabal: Independent o
o Coins: zero o
o Carrying: 0/16 items Load: 0.0/300.0 pounds o
o Health: Excellent Mental: Pulsating Physical: Fresh o
o Attribute points: 0 Wimpy: 20 percent Mode: Kill/aggressive o
o You are thirsty. o
o You are standing. o
o You are at the half-way point of your journey to the next level. o
o You have played 1418 hour(s) so far. o

Life 100|Mind 100|Move 100

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:12 pm 
Mortal Contributor

Joined: Thu Jun 01, 2006 2:50 pm
Posts: 789
Location: UK
SK Character: That'd be telling

You know my personal feelings on Rikka, so I wont go into a huge amount of detail here. I thought she was an annoying as hell Griffon, stubborn to the last and unwavering in her conviction - that's all IC of course.

OOC - Pure brilliance. I loved RPing with her as I knew she would challenge me. I do wish OOC that I had let her be executed in Exile instead of cracking at the very last minute and granting the pardon. I only hope that you thought "the buggers gonna let me die!"

Good times though, good times. Thank you.

I must say that I was surprised she was your first, you seemed like a vet to me.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:36 pm 

Joined: Fri Mar 12, 2004 6:56 pm
Posts: 618
SK Character: Briner, Senach, Myson, others.
Rikka was always condescending, regardless of who she interacted with. She was arrogant enough to be an elf. I truly respect the job you did with her.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:26 pm 
What Tioras fails to realize is that you didn't RP with her :P

You know how I've felt about her ICly. I don't do lighties, and there was no way in hell we were ever going to see eye to eye on anything. She was always a formidable opponent, though.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 7:50 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:35 pm
Posts: 285
Location: Gergia, United States
Aww...I hate to see her go. Sterk always loved seeing her. She would help him out when she wasn't busy. All though she did kill him in Exile because of the imposter. Good times good times

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 8:30 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2005 10:39 am
Posts: 81
We were at odds, but even though it was a big problem for my character, I OOCly enjoyed Rikka.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 8:34 pm 

Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 4:55 pm
Posts: 1110
Location: Ithaca, NY
It's tough to say.

Rikka's RP definitely improved with time. Greater consistency and a little more thought to everything she did. She had quality. Was she always within alignment? I really don't think so, but she seemed to love ignoring the perceptions of others, and thus what I or my characters thought really didn't mean jack [REDACTED]. That's worth something.

Regardless of her quality, however, I cannot say I enjoyed interacting with her. She was just a pain in the [REDACTED], acting like gum in the gears of plural RPs instead of enhancing or enriching the characters and RPs around her. She had her moments; she worked well with some types of characters, and when she was amiable (which was rare), she could do some great things. I didn't see her to the end, so there's a strong chance that some aspects changed and improved.

In short: An unremarkable pain in the [REDACTED]. A complete tool.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:08 pm 

Joined: Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:50 pm
Posts: 3502
Location: Canada
SK Character: Karsh
Before I post the character's story, which I've finally finished typing, I'll respond to the above posts as necessary and give my (abbreviated) thank you list.

Ellsworth: :roll: Guess what still means jack [REDACTED]?

Gos: No idea who you played. Just saying you were at odds with Rikka only narrows it down to...Pretty well everyone. :P Still, glad the conflict was enjoyable.

Joker: Yeah, sorry about that. I liked some of my early interactions with Sterk, especially when Rikka convinced him being an assassin for hire was an immoral and evil pursuit, and he changed his goals. :wink:

Ilkaisha: I did so RP her. Just her personality was very close to mine. :wink:

Tioras: I actually enjoyed most of my conflicts with Senach. Especially the one where he ran away from Rikka, alone and without a pet, when she bumped into him through that rift at the Zhensh stones. She had a lot of fun laughing about that after the fact.

Worts: And you saw her on some of her nicer days. :lol: But seriously, I actually expected you to let her die, and she was willing to accept that.

Okay, abbreviated thank you list:

Byrnid and Igvot, first, foremost, and especially. You two really got me hooked on SK, for all the good and bad that goes with that addiction.

Adara (for early lessons and fun RPs)
Youma (for early conflict with a mouthy youngster)
Senach (for above mentioned reason specifically)
Pelani (for rezzing me when almost no one else would :P )
Irekoya (for taking a noob underwing and showing him the ropes)
Slayne (for almost dying to Rikka 1v1 north of the Zhang tunnel but pulling out the save via CB :wink: )
Luorei (for shopping!)
Aerlyn (for dying to your own summon attempt :wink: )
Enthus (for fun times)
Algorab/Thuban (still have no idea which of you this was) for visions and genuine terror
Achernar for book deals, and making an SK dream of mine come true.

I'm sure I've left some people off that list that I'll kick myself later over, but that's what I can recall at the moment.

Less specifically:
Innumerable people for debate and conversation
Innumerable people for conflict and challenge

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:10 pm 

Joined: Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:50 pm
Posts: 3502
Location: Canada
SK Character: Karsh
The (very) long story, that still is abbreviated:

Rikka was born in a plane of existence separated from the one in which Pyrathia exists. In her home plane, griffons had developed an advanced society, and developed a strong, peaceful realm based on the principle of the individual. However, at some point in the history of her home plane, it was invaded by an illithid collective seeking to enslave the griffons of the realm. By the time she was born, most of the griffon cities had been overrun, and the war had raged for centuries to the point where her home city was the last stronghold of griffonkind.

During her early years, Rikka was trained in physical combat and endurance as all her kind is, and schooled as well in the ways of rational thought and living, and philosophical analysis. Her father was one of the highest ranked generals of the griffon forces defending the city from the illithids and their captured griffon mind slaves, and through him she became exposed early to the horrors of the war that was being brought against the last of the griffons. She gained a warrior’s perspective from him, and never forgot it. Her mother was the head instructor of the school of reasoning, and taught last-year fledglings. From her she gained the philosopher’s perspective, and in fact leaned more in that direction personally.

On the day of her graduation, Rikka exercised her new right to leave the bounds of the city. While she was exploring her new freedom, she unwittingly flew into the path of a portal that opened to the plane of Pyrathia. She tumbled through the magical tunnel, and when it spit her out over the middle of the Zhang desert she was terrified and disoriented. Barely pulling herself out of her fall, she coasted over the mountains at breakneck speeds, desperately just trying to brake some of the speed out of her flight and descent, as well as aim for the signs of civilization she saw as she broke over the mountain range. Ultimately, she would all but fail absolutely, landing with a bone-breaking force, tumbling and sliding across the ground in a battered wreck of flesh and feathers. By some twist of fate, she came to rest at Seranyim’s feet in the proving grounds of Nerina, and the woman’s timely prayers pulled Rikka back from the brink of death.

Over the coming weeks of Rikka’s recovery, she studied hard with Seranyim and Sukra, applying her significant ability to learning the Zhensh language, and the rudiments of the place she now found herself in. She was, at first, too fascinated to feel any real fear or confusion. She had never before seen any races but those of griffon and illithid. In time, though, as she grew accustomed to her new surroundings, she began to realize that her memory of her plane of origin had been damaged. There were large gaps in it, that try as she might she could not fill. The general content was there, the training she’d focused so hard on, the war, the threat to her people, the fact that she’d had a family, but the details of her life were disjointed in her mind, seemingly unconnected by any chronology that she could order them by. She also realized that her benefactors had never heard of her home plane.

It was at that point that she made a determination that stuck with her for a great portion of her life: She would find a way to return home, and contribute to the freedom of her people from the illithid invaders. Learning that the mages of this plane can create magical portals from one place to another, she latched onto sorcery and began the study of magic.

She began to train with drive and purpose, starting in the proving grounds and eventually venturing into the city of Nerina, where she began to meet the people that would form her first friendships and enmities. She was pleased to find that she would not be the only griffon on Pyrathia, though dismayed to hear some of the myths that surrounded the race’s origins. Byrnid and Igvot were two of the first people she met, and she formed fast friendships with both.

Rikka grew in power, and explored Pyrathia sparingly when she was not seeing to her intended journey home. Requiring the act of productive work, she took up the mercantile trade. Over these years, her memories of home became more ordered, clearer in her mind, so that she began to have more understanding of her origins. While something she was pleased about, it also made her feel homesick, and alone no matter that she was surrounded by people both friendly and otherwise. She was intellectually alone, if not physically, in that she was the only one to be (as she saw it) philosophically consistent and rational. Even her brothers did not see eye to eye with her, and while she respected their right to difference, it didn’t make it any easier on her. In an effort to reconnect with the world she’d known in her youth, she began to codify her philosophy, reordering into specific statements and ideas that which, due to her mnemonic damage, she was following mostly by habit. This, ultimately, resulted in her book, Life, being written and published in Horace Jack’s bookshop in Craeftilin.

It was around this time that Rikka was to be introduced to Qul’kelxi, and the trouble there. She was initially hesitant to pass judgment, considering the somewhat conflicting stories given by Volator, Feral, and Sophus, but ultimately decided that the Sophus were in the moral right, and offered to help. Thus began a new, and overriding chapter of her life. She fell in love with Sophus society, seeing in it the rudiments of the world she’d left behind some twenty years before. The Volator invasion also struck chords in her, and she could never divorce the similarity between that and the illithid invasion of her home plane. After a number of years spent studying and growing close to the Sophus, as well as learning about the history of the island and griffon society there, she came to consider the island and the Sanctum as her home, and the Sophus her people. It was at this time that she faced the hard, and heart-breaking reality that she would likely never find her way back to her home plane, and that her family and origins had probably been wiped out by illithid enslaving.

Rikka continued in the merchant trade for a while longer, and while she never grew rich (and never intended to), she was comfortable with what she earned. It was always the need for productive work that drove her to it, in any case, not a desire for material riches. However, as she became more and more embroiled in the Sophus conflict and society, as she began to integrate into Sophus society, she let the merchant business fall away. She would still sell the use of her spells when it was called for, or sell and trade what she came across, but it was no longer a primary focus in her life. Instead, she began the work of teaching the gryflets within the Sanctum, which she came to appreciate and enjoy much more than being a merchant.

A great many small-scale conflicts rose and ebbed in the times leading up to this, during this, and after this. Rikka was almost constantly at odds with the leadership of Zhenshi, arguing forcefully against their pacifistic ideologies, even as she risked her life (and indeed died) defending the nation from attackers of all stripes. She was routinely in debate with priests and those of devout religious beliefs, arguing in favor of the value of the mortal. She was conducting the on-again-off-again war with the East, as the masters of the Volators. She routinely flew with the Hammer and Keepers both, less often with the Guardians. Through her kinship to Igvot, she sometimes helped repel attackers at the monastery, as well. And, of course, there were the personal vendetta attacks to deal with, from those who had fallen to her and received none of the kindness they, for reasons beyond her comprehension, expected from her.

There was one event in particular that stood out in the tide of conflict, that being the possession of Othet by Cyrano. Having been closely acquainted with the dwarven priest, if not necessarily close friends, when she was asked by a third party to speak to him and try to determine what problem he was experiencing she did so. They met, and debated, and she came to understand that the mind occupying Othet’s form was not in fact Othet, and that Othet was trying to reach out to her mentally even as she spoke physically with the possessing spirit. Ultimately, she decided she would have to weaken the possessing spirit in some way, to give Othet the chance to break free of his imprisonment. Using a charming spell, she set her will against the possessor’s, with Othet’s future in the balance. The first encounter ended with her nearly being killed by the priest, and his escape. Not content with her failure, however, she made another attempt when next the opportunity presented itself, and with the help of the bardess Dizri, nearly managed to break the hold on Othet’s mind. Ultimately, though, Othet ended by attacking her, and was killed in the resulting battle.

Around this time, the monastery was experiencing issues surrounding the blood orb, and strange events were occurring involving it. Rikka was involved in one event in particular, in which (apparently) Algorab took a personal interest in her, and sent hallucinations. After a few days of terror, in which many monks and friends of hers attempted to understand what was happening and calm her, Rikka was finally freed from the visions but they had left their mark on her, emotionally. Her courage and certainty had been shaken to a degree that it had never before reached. The only positive thing to come out of that event, for her, was the realization that the conflicts and squabbles of the main continent had distracted her from her avowed war on behalf of the Sophus. She retreated from mainland society then, on a sabbatical to reconnect with the Sophus, and to reaffirm her place in Sophus society.

During this period of immersion in Sophus society, she distinguished herself amongst the Sophus, and was named the Sword of The Sophus, a position that is at once a general in matters of war and a judge in matters of law. As an advisor to Qul’xon Talonthrust, she began to convince the leader of the Sophus that a war with the Empire’s proxies was a futile exercise, and that the conflict must be brought home to the Imperials in order to enact any real change. This would be a years-long debate amongst the Sophus. Ultimately, it was the need for fresh information that would send her back to Zhenshi, and the main continent of Pyrathia.

Rikka returned to find Zhenshi embroiled in a brutal war with the Empire, and Byrnid leading the Talons. She also found something that shocked her to the core, and initially caused a great many problems between her and Zhenshi: a hellion, Kirina, fighting as part of Zhenshi’s guard. Rikka was, at first, violently opposed to this idea and Kirina, and argued forcibly with Byrnid over the presence of one such in Zhenshi. But the more she was exposed to Kirina’s ways and ideology, the more she realized that it was a largely rational one, more rational than many she had encountered over the years of her life. Ultimately, the conflict between Kirina and Rikka cooled to mild antagonism, and as the two fought side-by-side against the frequent attacks from the Imperials, Rikka actually came to admire Kirina. The two had numerous conversations and debates, and though Kirina was wont to substitute an inflexible code of honor for the tenets of rational action, Rikka nonetheless found the woman to be more consistently rational than almost any individual she’d known.

Having, at one point during the years leading up to this, heard of an old tradition where knights, specifically paladins, were paired with griffon mounts, the two working for common goals and as close companions, Rikka was finding herself drawn to Kirina and considering such a pairing. No knight in her entire experience with such had stirred such thoughts in her, though she’d met many and known of the storied tradition for a long time. Finally, after much consideration, she approached the hellion, and the two of them entered into a bond of knight and mount. Kirina still often placed honor above reason, but in the months leading up to the Zhensh civil war, had been improving by Rikka’s estimation.

It was then that a heart-rending event occurred, and left Rikka devastated. Byrnid died suddenly, leaving not only a power vacuum in Zhenshi, but also a pit in Rikka’s heart that even to the end of her days would never heal. As one of the first people Rikka had come to know on Pyrathia, and what she would consider to be her closest companion, his unexpected death was almost unbearable to her, and it felt to her as if he’d taken a part of her with him to oblivion. Still, the politics of Zhenshi were not wont to give her the time she needed to grieve. The infighting amongst the Talons, in the middle of a war, was already starting, and in many ways Rikka was both pulled into the middle and placed herself there, in order to support her knight. Around this time Rikka was banished from the nation for the first time, only to be secretly pardoned and unbanished by Grventiinal, whose side she was supporting in the brewing conflict. This would also be the first and last time she agreed to even a temporary truce with certain Imperials without the condition of full and complete withdrawal of the Volators from Qul’kelxi.

The civil war itself was a morass of shifting allegiances and unexpected intrusions. At one point it was all but impossible to tell who was fighting on whose side and why, with almost every individual and faction aligned or in conflict by turns over the course of the situation. Finally, Corathir and his supporters bought the support of the Druids, and Rikka’s supported faction fell away in defeat. Personal differences between her and Corathir that had existed for years before this once more drove Rikka away from Zhenshi for a long stretch of time, in which she left the nation to its own devices in disgust. During this time, her knight, deciding herself dishonored, committed suicide. While something that Rikka knew was within her rights as a free individual, she nonetheless considered the act an irrational one, and it left a foul taste in her mouth to end the relationship. She vowed to herself never again to bond so with any knight, no matter what, seeing then that all of their preoccupation with codes of honor above rationality could never make such a pairing with her a lasting one.

For a time, Rikka returned to the Sophus, seeking the solace of her work there with and for them. She began working with Sophus architects and the elemental craftspeople in the Sanctum, in an effort to expand the Sanctum’s use as a more permanent residence for the Sophus griffons. The plans for an offensive against the East also were brewing here during this time, and she took advantage of her absence from Pyrathia to foster them as much as she could. Between the construction of the Sophus Courts, and the war councils of the Sophus, Rikka once again disappeared from the mainland for a long stretch of time and lost herself in the work and responsibility she had accepted.

On a brief return to the mainland from her work, Rikka joined in on a defense of the port town of Garazul, where a coordinated strike by Imperials and Adepts alike was being repelled by an assortment of allied forces. Corathir was still leader of the Talons and he and Rikka’s conflicts only exacerbated by time, and because Rikka refused to show quarter to the Imperials, she was once more banished from Zhenshi. This banishment was to last for most of the final two decades of her life. She continued from this point to make brief forays away from Qul’kelxi into the realms, to work as a sometime-enchantress, or to fight for a particular objective, but largely she focused on her work with the Sophus.

During this time she met Caelynn, who, after Corathir’s death, would finally lift the banishment from Zhenshi in order to secure Rikka’s aid in yet another war with the Empire. Rikka returned to Zhenshi and, as the nation was moving more towards what she considered a rational approach to governance and foreign policy, aided as she could. It was in the course of this time that she met Igvot’s daughter, who she mentored and took under her wing, so to speak.

Rikka came to respect Erian, and as she was aging and knew that the Sophus would be left without a Sword if she did not select an heir to the title and responsibility, she spoke to the young griffoness about taking over the role. Erian accepted, and Rikka stepped down to the advisory role of Clerk. This was not an entirely easy transition for her to make, having spent so many years with only the highest Sophus authority to answer to, but she applied herself as best she could and filled the role she had chosen more or less smoothly.

All throughout this time the war councils had been meeting, and finally the groundwork was laid for the Sophus offensive against the Empire itself. The stage was set, and only the final players were necessary. Leaving it until the last few days before the offensive began, Rikka set out to secure allies for the Sophus fight for freedom. Through many intense days of conversation and negotiation, she managed to array a vast force of allies for the Sophus, and a three-month long offensive began. It culminated with Rikka leading a strong wing of griffons, including Qul’xon Talonthrust himself and Erian, into Menegroth proper. Though it was ultimately not successful in securing the freedom of the Sophus, she consoled herself with the knowledge that it was only a single battle in the war, and that the Imperials now knew the Sophus would not be content with merely picking off their pawns ensconced on Qul’kelxi. It was during this time that the Imperials finally managed to banish her from the Empire, but she considered it fair trade for the scars of battle she had managed to leave on their capitol city as reminder of the cost of trying to conquer the island that did not belong to them.

This essentially ended her battles, and she spent the last of her days advising the Sword, and enjoying what remained of her mortal life. In the end of things, she died doing what she loved best. Achernar himself came to collect her spirit for the afterlife, in order to gloat over the fact that finally, after almost seventy years of “belligerence” and dismissal of the immortals’ role in mortal society, she was forced to admit the fact that she was indeed now unable to escape their grip. It did not entirely have the effect the god seemed to be looking for, however, as she knew still that it was not until her mortal life had ended that she was forced to accept that grip as she did not when alive.

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