Malhavoc wrote:
Hellions need a ranged spell, they need an equivalent of Holy word if not holy word itself. Changing those two things would really make a difference. Perhaps give them something like their own religion spell that has a different ranged effect. Like Algorab could have a fear effect or fear itself, Ain could have some sort of disabling spell for bring order, Sargas could have some sort of meteor strike spell.
Hellions could use some work to balance them with paladins, that much is clear. This, however, isn't it. Nor are your suggestions. The only exception I can see is the inclusion of a need for a ranged spell despite the fact that you promptly seemed to forget that mention and moved on to list spells like fear and some crazy idea that hellions should get religion-specific spells.
Really, this is rightly put in another thread entirely, but I think giving hellions flamestrike (or nerfing the damage of hellfire and giving it a range like flamestrike has), a Bolt of Darkness (similar to a bolt of glory but, like, not), and
self-target only healing spell that's on par with cure critical (call it Dark Rejuvination or some such) will nicely level the playing field.