Forsooth wrote:
The Palladium alignments are much more suited to role-playing.
I disagree vertically. In fact I couldn't be more opposed to this.
Its true, Palladium alignments are pinpointing of what a character can be played as. (by the way I was wrong, alternity does not have paladium alignments.)
Forsooth wrote:
In a wargame, that makes a lot of sense. You need to know what side something is on, and how it reacts to various holy/unholy effects.
I think this opinion of yours is attributed to whoever introduced you to 3d or 3.5th edition dnd, or to your own interpretation of it. That is not what alignments are by far. Alignments in dnd are, since the first edition of the game, abstract concepts of law vs chaos, evil vs good. You place your character on the disk of this compass, and roleplay him as you damn well please. It is by far a better suited alignment system for roleplaying characters than saying that 'characters can only be principled, scrupulous, diabolic, miscreant, aberrant, unprincipled and anarchist.'
Kurt Wilcken wrote:
The Palladium alignment system isn't as elegant or symmetrical as the AD&D system, but it's a bit more realistic and easier to apply.
Imo the palladium alignment system was not built as a reaction to 'how terrible the dnd alignments are' at all. That is your own deduction, probably due to not understanding what dnd alignments stand for. Palladium alignments were a rejection towards neutrality, believing that nothing is really neutral. It is also a system of character 'personalities' more than tendencies to a behavioral code like the D&D system. When you analyze them in-depth, you end up having only 7 types or character personalities to play with. This is by far a more 'computer war game' approach to alignments than the classic D&D approach.
Effectively the difference between LG and Principled is that Principled describes a paladin, while LG can speak of a rogue that lives by stealing from the poor, in a city where the rules say that the strong must oppress the weak, trying his best to save as many weak as he can.
A principled character would have no choice here but to either step into this city with a mind to change the rules through force, or not step into this city at all. Or, if he did have to enter the city for some quest, but had no way of being able to change these laws, he would HAVE to ABIDE by those rules for as long as he is in that city. It is silly, but thats how it is. Paladium guidelines are very strict.
The concept of alignments seriously changes if one has ever delved into planescape books. That is a world where law chaos good and evil are actualy seen, can be touched, and noone can really escape from them. Of course, SK is not planescape, but I recommend you try it out, forsooth. It might change the terrible opinion you seem to have about d&d alignments, and you might actually enjoy what to me is the most outstanding fantasy RPG cosmology ever written.
Forsooth wrote:
The Palladium alignments are much more suited to role-playing.
I believe its quite the opposite, and I can keep bringing arguments as to why I think this way in this thread, but I believe the only thing all this discussion helps prove is this:
Kurt Wilcken wrote:
n the end, Character Alignment is a tool. It's a handy label to classify a character. Whether it's good or bad depends on how well it serves the need of the game, and upon the Game Master who is using it. Personally I tend toward Lawful Silly, but that's just me.