Thuban wrote:
Actually, he's coming as close to quoting the "Rifts" rulebook as one can without outright plagarizing it, and is therefore pretty correct IMO... whether by accident or design [except about point 12, which I don't recall appearing in "Rifts" - in fact, wasn't there a note specifically pointing out the Aberrant characters find Diabolics as offensive as anyone else?].
Correct, however, this isn't AD&D, this is SK. Erevan wants gray elves here, like AD&D.
And yes, aberrants do. My hellion despised diabolics and didn't hide it the least bit. However, if you want to look at a true diabolic, good luck. 99.9% of them are miscreant. Even ghimgul is miscreant. Every necro has been miscreant.
Delear was even a major miscreant. Debate that or not, but everything he did was self-serving to him and his cause - miscreant.
Willingness to betray doesn't make up a diabolic, nor does 'how the diabolic sees the world', I'll tell you all what makes diabolic on sk:
The ability to not think of yourself as a sentient, sensible being. You may be brilliant, but you are little more than an animal. Consumed and driven by madness, no matter how refined.
The reason they must betray is because THEY HOLD NO ALLIANCE. ALLIANCE DOES NOT EXIST FOR THEM. There are no friends, no nothing. They are completely alone in their world and there are no consequences from any of their actions. Diabolic, folks, diabolic.
What you people think diabolic is, well, is flatly wrong because you're pulling the description from another source.