They are the kind who plot and plan to harm others simply for their own entertainment.
Diabolic people need not follow normal rules of conduct, they can be the nicest, most generous person in the world one moment, and the next, stab you in the back and steal everything you own.
These two lines especially taken together mean this: The diabolic gains no emotional benefit from friendship, unless plotting to ruin that friend in one way or another, in which case it isn't friendship at all, is it?. They also have no rational, predictable manner in which they deal with people. They will act the friend one day, and for no reason fathomable by anyone but the diabolic themself will destroy/jloot their "best friend" the next.
Silmar, you're
still wrong, and you've provided the reasons for that in your own post: YOU DON'T AND WON'T PLAY A NECROMANCER. Not only that, is you've gone a fair way to proving the point of your opponents in this discussion: YOU DON'T AND WON'T PLAY A NECROMANCER BECAUSE OF THE CODED DRAWBACKS.
Let's set one thing straight, Silmar. A lone necromancer who until, say, one combat round ago had all his concentration/ME burned up on control undead and animate (because control undead has a HUGE per-tick ME cost), who now finds himself completely undefended and quite possibly being attacked by his own aggro pets with hugely powerful glow scripts and bashing, is M-E-A-T meat. This is especially true when you consider that if the necromancer is actually being hunted or engaged willfully, it's against at least a group of three or four. The instances of a lone character going up against a necro are rare in the extreme unless you're talking about the necromancer jumping said lone character by surprise. Hell,
Alshainites will run for cover until they have help instead of meeting up with a lone necro, Alshainite paladins that people consider exemplary of the faith no less.
You constantly return to scrolls as if there were an even decent number of moderate strength scrolls out there. There aren't. The vast, vast majority of scrolls available to anyone are trash strength, and will bounce off even unenchanted kits unless you get lucky, and you better get lucky the first time considering recite lag. These uber scrolls you expect necromancers to save themselves with are in such a huge minority that it really just shows you have no idea what you're talking about when you suggest them. Also, when some can order a law NPC to cast HW,
then walk into the room so that it goes off immediately, your wonderful, amazing, super scrolls of FoD are going to mean exactly jack and [REDACTED].
If a necromancer actually gets left alone to level, yes, they're pretty easy to level. Here's why they aren't in
practice: leveling zone patrolers. They'll take one look at your cloth armor, see one utterance of "qkadagz dies" or one zombie and you're dead. Doesn't matter what level, doesn't even usually come with a decent amount of RP. Just smoked, and they're completely justified in doing so because of the fact that necromancers are coded to be hated by the majority of factions/people....Which, incidentally, happens to be the same reason they need to be individually more powerful than most if not all classes.