Muktar wrote:
Also, how can anyone take you seriously when you say, "I'm not gonna post again." When you do the complete opposite.
Hey, learn to read, seriously, it gets old when you continually post things COMPLETELY out of context.
When you are really ready to learn what the Fistie goals are instead of being blinded by pure hatred because you got your but kicked several times by them, I bet you finally understand.
Druids also support change, which is not really a fistie ideal
My 'butt' kicked several times? Are you so dense? Blind hatred? Over a damn cabal? Man, you are such a dimwit. Seriously. Why would I complain about a -cabal- if I got my 'butt kicked' by a group of players? A group of players whose relic I could had numerous times if the imms reinstated their's when I still had a cabal full of willing necros, as opposed to the zero necros that exist today (that's a hint, Dulrik).
So, perhaps you should say I should have blind hated for Dulrik instead, since I got my 'butt kicked' by the code changes? Seriously, you're just posting [REDACTED] and slander at this point. Go away.
So let's assume that the Fist somehow for some reason becomes a gray based cabal. What consequences will that have on the balance in SK?
All you need is a dark-based leadership happening in Druids (something that has been the case more often than a lightie-based leadership) and the balance shifts completely, leaving the Hammer as a stand-alone cabal much like you claim Adepts to be right now. The Adepts are still going to be unchanged in their role and we'll have a bunch of grey and darkie-wannabe cabals.
I want to make it so hammer/adepts are the only cabals with 'pure' intentions for light or dark. This way, the fist can swing back and forth, so can the druids, the harlies, and the MC (the mc is pure gray, has been always, never an 'evil' cabal, they may use evil methods, but it's all gray, no one, not even Dulrik can debate that, because there's a difference between adept-evil and mc-"evil" -- their goals aren't even the same and to suggest they should ally is asinine.)
Should a dark druids arise, the fist will be a gray cabal, but a gray cabal dedicated to peace. The druids start causing too much [REDACTED], taking down the Hammer and raiding cities (IE gaal style) and the fist step in and ruin them with the Hammer.
Or, let's say a gray/lightie (which is more likely in druid history, a gray leader), comes to power and aids Hammer in dropping Adepts like a rock and spreading conflict to the MC -- the Fist steps in and knocks Hammer or druids down and forces peace. This is the REAL ideal of the fist cabal. Only intervening for peace.
Keeping them a light aura cabal prevents them from stopping the Hammer or any lightie group from aggression.
An other counter to this is to make druids accept the use of necromancy and bloodmagic (which they actually have used repeatedly in the past).
I'd much rather see the FIST move gray though and become like true peace enforcers. It makes -no- sense to me why we have another Hammer who will do the same [REDACTED] the hammer does.