Achernar wrote:
What's everyone's feelings about this situation?
Gray aura NPC. Principled character kills said NPC for an item. Kosher?
I'm sure there's ways it can be justified in either way. Purification of the non-pure heart. I would think its bad RP for killing when it could have been avoided. A player and I discussed this scenario and I couldn't soundly punish the player, because of the reasoning. I still feel my opinion has merit though. What does everyone think?
Bad RP. Light is light.
If a principled charector killed anyone, it should be in a circumstance where they can acknowledge the challenge atleast.
If a gray aura charector is a major char though...I can see that.
If Stephanos is grey, I can see lighties attacking him. That is the only way to get some of the best loot in the game. Otherwise it would be ment only for darkies.
So it is really a question about area schemetics vs IC reality.
On an unrealted topic. Has anyone noticed the quickness of IMM's forcing people to delete, forcing them to bad RP, or just using the curse command alot more than they need to lately? Has anyone heard of the -hell- command. If you have ever been to jail, it's the same thing. This form of jail, thought, is IMM enforcerced. An IMM can sentence you to hell instead of jail for a limit of time...or forever.
I think that IMM's have been using far more brutal forms of punishment than they need be. This parrellels my belief that HF's have been not inducting people instead of using the blemish command.