Muktar wrote:
So, how does a necro die to a barbarian now, Grakus?
Yeah, that right. If the necro is prepared, barbs can do jack, $#!t, and squat to the necro.
If it's a giant barb, it can just throw [REDACTED] into the room and kill the necro.
But, assuming a non-giant barbarian, let's say elf? Yeah elf.
Stand behind a pet, walk into the room, wielding nothing, if he follows you, throw a spear at the necro, and walk out. Then wear spear, k necro. You win.
If he doesn't follow and o all k's or casts at you, start chucking throwing axes at the necro while wearing a shield. The necro will wimpy or die before you get bashed. If he doesn't, get another pet, walk back, and repeat.
Have you seen how much hps a barb can shave off with throwing axes? Especially of iron against a deep-elf/half-elf necro?
The -worst- case scenario is the barb walks away as his pet dies and the necro lives.
How does a necro die to a sorc?
Sorc goes ethereal, o all taunt necromancer, walk to next room; release ethereal, posi-self 21, c magic direction necro. GG. He can't walk away because waish will have fled so he's still only fighting 1 person.
If it's a gnome necro (who can possibly resist the taunts from waish), then instead walk in with any random tanking mobile, recite double pet scroll at undead (literally, use 'undead', it'll fail over and target another undead when it petrifies the first since undead have -0- saves) twice. Then have your way with the necromancer when the undead in front of him are gone.
This is, of course, assuming you have proper enchants.
Or hell, you could get lazy and just brandish the level 45, overpowered dispel magic staff that is worse than a holy word.
o all bash and he doesn't even need to go ethereal to stay alive. The sorc would, if he lived long enough to stand.
o all bash is so useless. You realize that right? I've seen giant mercs drop 5 hasted, gstred, armed wraiths with ease. It's the caster behind the mobiles that makes them even the slightest bit dangerous. Which is easily negated with proper fort and willpower enchants.
How does a necro die to a scout, if prepared?
That's right he doesn't. Scouts also can't do anything to them if they are ethereal.
zap self, eat pill, and the other 10+ ways of going ethereal in game.
Just because you're too stupid to use etherealform doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Just because your ventures into playing a necro has sucked this time around doesn't mean the class does. Necros are fine. Just ask those who have played successful necros how to play them now.
Necros are not fine. They don't play them successfully. I've not seen a successful necromancer ever.
Even Naixin gets the [REDACTED] beat out of her without mimicing to avoid law and to twink-target to her mephit whom is immune to bolt.
Beethiok gets the ever-loving-crap kicked out of him 99.9% of the time and runs home with his tail between his legs. The only time he wins are against people that I used to not even bother using a dominate for as Vorak.
Hellions > Necromancers. You realize that, right? When a hellion can solo a group better than a necromancer without relying on cheater-staves something is -seriously- wrong.