obviously picked sargas, giant, mc, crossbow spec
Not to mention gray aura...
And Revin, I've tried all the defensive countermeasures which still leave me somewhat capable of doing -anything- in a combat.
As regarding group combat and staves. I mean, I might be giving you good ideas now instead of just idiotically tag along with a group. But how about *gasp* standing in another room and bombard the others?
As in harder to pick up fallen corpses, and limiting choices of armor for larger races.
Yes, hell, my priest definately doesn't have that problem. I can't even pick up a corpse naked...
Warlocks have stone skin that can negate the blows for enough rounds to deal massive magma damage or return fire with their own longer ranged spells.
Sorry, I've gone in with sanc/prot/SS/mirrors/armor and full addy to still get blenderraped by that insane spec.
It is a two handed weapon.
My point exactly, the very best two-handed weapon. When it has such a reach as compared to the others, it needs to be worse in other aspects. What is the point of a battle spear when you can wield a crossbow and reach the third row from three rooms away?