A damage which is fully on par with the best two-handed weapons
It is a two handed weapon.
Even with the "drawback" of having to restock on fletched/store-bought bolts...
The draw back in the weight. As in harder to pick up fallen corpses, and limiting choices of armor for larger races. Not to mention if they want to use their other spec it makes it alot harder to dodge. It's expensive to buy them.
Congratulations with not having been killed solely by ranged combat yet,
Thank you
The problem isn't with warrior classes, they can almost always be reached with other weapons. It is the classes who are intentionally fragile -because- they have the option of hiding in the back rows and still be effective. The huge number of crossbow using mercs now have pushed the balance of the game too heavily away from casters.
Warlocks have stone skin that can negate the blows for enough rounds to deal massive magma damage or return fire with their own longer ranged spells.
Sorcs and Necromancers can have big burly pets. They can both do something better than sit third row.
Ethereal form.
...Not to mention you are almost equally powerful naked as you are with full gear, hence why we've seen a lot of logs of naked people with a crossbow/bow and a million arrows going into pk.
No not really. I've seen them all fully armored. Atleast I do.
Also, who all do you think uses it? I know two people specialized in siege crossbow at the moment.
I'm the only one I know specialize in regular x-bows.
It needs a wimp and the only people defending it are those using it, and there are even some who use it who also think it deserves a wimp...
Of course your sore because I hunted directly for you because you abused the air elementals ability to take on full groups by it's self. I killed you three times in a row and your pissed, I get it.
It can be got around, if you think. That is only in one on one aswell. In group vs group it's not nearly as effective. A necromancer with a good stave can still solo an entire group, a sorc for that matter, better than the evil x-bow user.