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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 3:32 am 
Mortal Contributor

Joined: Thu Jun 01, 2006 2:50 pm
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SK Character: That'd be telling
And another that Worts will be sad to hear of.

I first met Sir Slayne Des Granges at the Knights tournament when I was journeyman (May '06). I was absolutely terrirfied standing there alongside Slayne, Trakeakus and Alynwen. I had only been playing a month or so and the nerves were real enough for me OOC.

That was the day I became addicted to SK and I got to mutter the words

"You sir [Slayne] are an idiot"

Trakeahus had left and I had assisted in the defeat of Alynwen, figuring she might do enough damage to you that I might just get lucky and win... Oh I got such a telling off (from Lirimaer) for that. Anyways, rather than fight me you had me dominated and kneeling at your feet (and healing you with my prayers) before removing my head.

As I said, that was the day I fell in love with this game and Worts always admired Slayne thereafter.

Thanks and good luck with whatever comes next.

EDIT: Shame you ended on such a dishonourable note really.

Last edited by wortsenawl on Tue May 22, 2007 7:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 4:06 am 

Joined: Tue Feb 15, 2005 7:56 pm
Posts: 764
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I knew it was coming, but jeez. :(

I had a lot of fun RPing with Slayney waney as Maylu, even when he didn't know about it :D. I specifically remember a few times I really liked Mimic because of him.

Now that you can't cleave me, I can admit how hilarious it was when a priest was trying to join your ranks and I had mimiced you. He went on and on about how great he was until 'Slayne' asked "Yes, but can you play the lute?".

Then there was Slayney Waney's debt to the tavern [REDACTED] of Uxmal....

You were a good sport during all May's pestering.

You made the MC really fun and my MC's loyalty and admiration to her Emperor was palpable.

It's a pity to see such a good character go. Thanks for all the fun.

Good luck on your next... Gonna make another 'huamn'?

(Edit: Great back story. Sounds like the story of a true hero, or I suppose in this case, true villain..)

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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 4:32 am 

Joined: Sat May 07, 2005 8:16 am
Posts: 4124
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
SK Character: Achernar
Long live the Emperor. What fun. I'm still trying to decide what the best way to commemorate the Emperor. I've got some ideas. Thank you for your contribution, TheCannibal.


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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 4:55 am 

Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2003 3:57 am
Posts: 140
Impressive character indeed.
He was one of the few characters, if not the only one, that Delear had to think twice and measure his lies very very carefully. It was hard to get a reading from Slayne, I'm still not sure if he believed anything I ever said or just played along. (Chamber of darkness?..Seals? Nah...)

Anyway, thanks for all the RP and congratulations for a full character, solid in both PK and RP.

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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 9:16 am 

Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:53 am
Posts: 1786
Penguins everywhere are saddened at this loss.


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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 11:20 am 

Joined: Sun Oct 10, 2004 2:45 am
Posts: 569
NOT THE PENGUINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gah! Anything but the penguins!

For those who do not know the penguin story...for some reason Slayne was aiding the Harlequins and they were summoning penguins into the Hart and Rose. Arylyn, Avaleena's daughter was with him. Ava, being Ava, rushed in to defend. Died. Came back. Died again. Came back and Slayne had his terms. She was to surrender to him and in return he'd grant Exile a year of peace provided that the Penguins be housed in the Inn and taken care of. And then the SoB did a low blow. He killed a kid in front of Avaleena and she was forced to surrender. Penguins!!!!!

Slayne showed that you could prove your might over others and still let them live and let them have their loot. Obviously if you can kill them real easily, you don't need it.

After Ava came Jeruvere. Slayne was cocky and arrogant and Jeruvere admired him for it. He was a blast to be around. He was one of the few who she knew not to upset too badly cause he would hurt her. When he became Emperor, she was in full support of his take over, though she had a momentary thought of trying to kill him and claim the position herself. She was weakened and thought better of it.

Senach, Belitrine, Groen (the necro), and Jeruvere were present at the time from the MC. Slayne asked who wanted to be his Knightlord. Senach stepped forward. Belitrine stepped forward. The necro said, "Not me, I'm too new. No one respects me. But I think Belitrine should."

Jeru told the necro to shut up, nobody asked him. He got mad at her. She already disliked necromancers and always had. She pulled out an FoD scroll and held it. Gave him one chance to say sorry. HE did and she started the battle. Belitrine rescued the necro but Jeru was harming. He died. Senach attacked Belitrine and Jeru went down stunned. She got back up, healed and looked down at the dead bodies.

Slayne smiled and told husband and wife to kill each other. Jeruvere won. Then she placed Senach as her knightlord, taking the title of High Dame. (The reason being it was her husband and Cannibal and I were expecting a drop in hours)

Then came the accusations of a circle jerk. OMG...RP that fits and people accuse of a circlejerk. How best to get the High Knight of Sargas's attention then by laying waste to prove you are superior?

Slayne was a fun character and the ending was really kinda bad. I think we've had too many incidents like that lately but as those involved "consented" (somewhat), there shouldn't be too much of an outcry.

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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 11:48 am 

Joined: Sat Jan 06, 2007 9:51 am
Posts: 317
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Slayne was such a great character. The only hellion that eusd ever admiried and enjoyed to talk to. I was hoping that once again we would be able to duel but I guess not.

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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 4:17 pm 
Mortal Contributor

Joined: Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:02 am
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SK Character: Elriorith/Enfaustina/Nimolthar
Slayne was an elite character in both quality and RP.

I am glad Vorhus could squire under him. He was yet another awesome character from Cannibal.

Well done, I am sorry I backed out on you, but when RL calls, none can defy that call...

You enriched the Empire's RP and then some. As well as MC's, and SK's in general.

A job well done for yet another of Cannibal's characters. Well done.

And a classic, "Slayne > Chuck Norris"

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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 9:10 pm 

Joined: Sun Sep 04, 2005 5:26 am
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Location: Powder Springs, GA
I remember when Slayne super-cleaved that fist griffon in a duel, toasted it with hellfire, and then pulled off its wing and ate it.

Damn, and when we had ALL the powerhouse and craft SOBs in the Harlequin, we owned the world. Morale and bloodshed was at an all time high, as far as my character's lifespan is concerned.

Hehe. I remember how much he hated Aludrans, and how Inzy would set up people for Slayne to mangle individually, or with a crapload of people. When all the Harlequins of note went to battle, I don't think we ever lost. It was really sad when things dissolved like they did. Slayne porbably had the best chance of running the Court from a combination of diplomacy, killing ability, and influential friends.

Hell, what about how we toasted every major city on the map. Especially when we had Jarold, or when Slayne was young and we had all sorts of giant barbarians. We've leave cities gaurdles and penniless, and set up camp in their inns. They just kept coming, losing, and running. When we attacked Exile that one time, I think I stayed for five character days. The only time I ever had a city camped and mangled longer was the time right before Slayne joined the Harlequin, and Menegroth got toasted for more than seven days.

Plotting was fun, too. So much [REDACTED] happened to keep things from working as they should have, and when all the influential people started dying off, and the BS happened with the Harlequin, it really hurt our RP and took some of my hear out of SK--heart I have yet to regain.

Slayne was one of my favorite characters on SK. I wish we had more character interaction these last six months, man.

You win SK this round.

Have yourself a 'clap, clap' award.

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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 10:45 pm 

Joined: Sat Mar 25, 2006 11:57 pm
Posts: 146
<3 you!

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