Wizard_of_winter wrote:
1)The "actual" book; does the book have to be written ICly? I mean really written on note paper in game, or can someone just rp it out and send along a note pad of the book via e-mail or pm or something?
I'll leave it to you to decide on that issue. Either is acceptable. I kind of like the idea of someone walking in while your character is scribbling away RPwise, but I'm not gonna be a fascist about it if you'd rather not spend actual play time on it.
2)Maps, can an immortal build maps to go with the book or inside the book? Genuine maps as described by a player who has icly explored a spot and made notes and what not about it?
I guess so. I don't really see how that's relevant, but maybe that'll make sense in context.
Email me. Yours will be the last new submission I have time to accept.
Unless you were talking to Algorab