I'm not a trib. leader, but here's what I know...
theDrifter wrote:
Could someone post about how economies work here? I don't think this is supposed to be secret information, but if it is, I'm sorry for talking about it.
Any specific questions? If not, the general concept is, the less money being spent in your economy means a recession. If this trend spirals downwards, then shops may stop buying goods, and will eventually have nothing to sell. In short, the economy system really only affects the prices.
theDrifter wrote:
Here is what I know:
Buying and selling things in shops has a positive or negative impact on the country's economy ( I don't know which is which, but I think buying things makes prices in shops go up)
Think of an economy in RL. If things are being bought and sold, prices will be low, but shops will have large stocks, and things will go well. In a recession, things get scarce, and by law of supply and demand dictates that the prices will be higher because theres less to go around. Depression is just an accute recession so ...
theDrifter wrote:
The tribunal has the ability to "spend" money on the economy. I don't know what the effect of this is.
Stuff is really expensive in some places (Ayamao and Nerina) and much cheaper in others (Taslamar). I don't know why this is or what would change this.
These are really the same vein of question. The spend command helps pull your economy out of a recession. So to fix Nerina's economy, the leaders would have to spend some money to get the economy going again.
The economy system isn't a HUGE deal except in determining the cities prices. Now, I don't remember 100%, but it might also affect the amount of gold that the NPCs in that area give... Outside of those things, its not a huge deal.
Edit: Yes, I know... a lot of random thoughts, but hopefully it will make some sense at least.