Salandarin wrote:
I figure this is a good a place as any to say this - but these changes to NPCs and their spells aren't healthy. I've heard at least a dozen or more people (veterans and newer players alike), both on the forums and elsewhere, voice serious complaints about the way leveling goes these days. If you're working towards a better spell template (maybe one that doesn't involve spells like hold person, confusion, paralyze, chaos, blindness, deafness on so many NPCs), then full speed ahead. Otherwise I think there needs to be a serious rethinking about the direction leveling is and has been headed.
I just don't see a reason to make leveling up to mentor any harder or more annoying than it already is.
I disagree, leveling is leveling, it is supposed to be tough, besides what should they do?(the NPCs) Stand like a bag of meat for you to grind through? They have assets and they use them to defend themselves. I do not so much mind the change as long as some bugs that pop out are isolated and eliminated (see hold person/concentration bug)