Create a matrix of material type vs. armor style.
Truncated List
Material PvS PvB PvP E D Notes
Cloth 1 1 1 1 1
Suede 1 1 1 1 2
Energy 5 5 4 1 8
Leather 4 2 3 2 3
Brass 4 3 4 4 6
Mithril 7 5 8 5 9
Iron 5 6 5 8 6
Steel 6 6 6 7 7
Adamantite 10 10 9 10 10
Armor Style
Vest 1 1 1 1
Jacket 2 1 2 2
Padded 2 2 2 3 implies a garment w/ extra padding
StuddedS 3 2 2 4 -3 a suede garmet with XXX studs
StuddedL 4 3 3 5 -2 a leather garment with XXX studs
Brigandine 5 4 4 6 -2 a leather garment with XXX plates
Ringmail 5 3 3 5
Chainmail 5 3 4 5
Scalemail 7 5 7 8
Platemail 10 10 10 10
PvS - v. Slashing
PvB - v. Blunt
PvP - v. Piercing
E - Encumberance
D - Durability (taken from materialtype only, except for "studded" items)
While the combined protection types are very important, from a theoretical viewpoint the real kicker is the encumberance variable. I would suggest that dexterity, class armor restrictions, and encumberance all factor into what the max encumberance value a given character can use without penalty. Classes should not be overly penalized for armors within their class, but dexterity is dexterity, and freedom of movement is neccessary for battle.
I would propose that the encumberance values be assigned as thus:
1-6 Clothing
6-14 Light
14-20 Heavy
-For examble, a dwarf mercenary, because of his class, suffers little or no penalties no matter which armor he chooses, because he is a heavy armor class. (I might suggest that if the encumberance of an item exceeds his dexterity by more than 7 (arbitrary number) that he suffer a 1pt loss to skills)
-An elf swashbuckler suffers no penalties for wearing any light/light combination because of class, but due to his high dexterity, may venture into, perhaps, mithril platemail, or adamantite chainmail, based on 3 pts of DEX for every encumberance point he wishes to overcome.
-Likewise, a sprite sorceror would always be comfortable in a cloth/cloth combo, but he might be able to manage a light material/cloth armor set, like a leather vest, or even, since sprites have such a high DEX, a brass-studded suede armor.
Suggesting at this point, however, that while a character may choose an armor heavier than what is prescribed by his class, that it is established a total for every point of encumberance that character wears that is over his class's maximum (42, for a sorceror -- 6 encumberance x 7 wear slots, not including about body). If this number exceeds half of that character's constitution that character will start to recieve skill penalties.
It would be my view that this would open up a lot of armors to different race/class combinations (thus changing the way they may be played), empower non-sleep maledictions, and make things a little more interesting, at least. Run the numbers, see what you think.