buxtehude_sorethumbe wrote:
Certain areas span a couple level sweet spots. Morea, for example, is profitable around veteran level, and then again around mentor, depending on what you fight there. It'd be great if one could rediscover an area and profit from it again, after either a period of time, or a number of levels, or based on a certain amount of XP gained elsewhere. Familiarity could slip away for a number of reasons: Haven't been there in a while, details growing hazy. Never explored this new part of this area, the one with the bigger NPCs. Etc.
I hate the new familiarity system, but I have to say this is the one gripe I've griped over and over and might help the whole thing substantially and even make me quit griping.
Teron, I think someone already mentioned it, is the source of this complaint for me, or at least how I first noticed. We're talking about an area where alot of people get from amateur to apprentice, then come back again numerous times at other levels. But after you've exhausted the goblins, and know the area like your hand, or god forbid live there...