The Mighty Fluffball wrote:
We could certainly use a bit of mob-ish help over here. I arrived a good bit after Yenko went bye-bye, but Sadr's always had a small faith. (partially because our IMM is a builder, not a patroller.) I think that Sadr is -the- deep-elven goddess, though. I mean, come on. The only writing permitted on the boards is deep. The tongue we speak in "church" is deep. Sadr is -so- deep-elven. Unfortunately, Ch'zzrym has been stuck in the DROW mud for forever.... (that always pisses me off, since I play a deep-elf, not a drow. PALE SKIN PEEPLZ)
Make us popularz again, pleez!
Just like to point out that Sadr(Yenko) built that place and I doubt any other imm is willing to ever touch it. It is *by far* one of the best built zones ever. I don't mean on the mud, I mean on any mud. It is tricked out with so many special things and quests and oddities that I doubt anyone really wants to take up that task.