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 Post subject: [idea] sorc trainers and the mages circle
PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:32 pm 

Joined: Mon May 02, 2005 3:49 pm
Posts: 535
Location: Florida Atlantic University, Jupiter
I noticed--since this is my first delf sorc--that there is a high concentration of sorc trainers located in ayamao, rare trainers of things like summon and polymorph, and almost none elsewhere. The only other trainers I know of for some of these spells are in Rhylin's/ulryn's(sp?) tower, which is guarded by wraiths and difficult to find much less get inside. Why not make these trainers here in the mages circle[in seawatch by the knights etc] train some of this? They are high enough level, they are sorcs (Astargo Divine only teaches FS, Laurette Bowes is an "enchantress" that teaches nothing, Makannas do'Morg who is a "summoner" doesnt teach anything, and so on). Anyway, it is just something I find kind of difficult being a deep-elf specificially, while at the same time more trainers of vet/expert-level spells and below wouldnt be a terrible thing.

I would say at least summon and maybe dispel could go to makannas and at least enchants to laurette, but it could probably be expanded to include more mid-level spells.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:09 am 
Mortal Philanthropist

Joined: Sun Feb 08, 2004 1:41 pm
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I partially agree with you, still if you are a deep-elf you have a plethora of sorceror trainers at Ch'zrrm. The fact that you can teleport and go ethereal does not mean that the Trainers for basic spells should hide in the four corners of Pyrathia. Still with mentorship you will hardly need anything and if your Mentor takes the slightest of liking to your char he will take you to some of those places just how it happened to me when I was low level and what I do now to people that ask or I mentor.

Some of my favorite moments were during either being Mentored or Mentoring.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:25 am 

Joined: Mon May 02, 2005 3:49 pm
Posts: 535
Location: Florida Atlantic University, Jupiter
cant very well teleport if you cant learn it. As well, I do not play a very friendly, sociable character. And like I said, the sorc trainers in chyz are through a tough (for a permanewb) maze, high level wraiths and general nastiness.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:49 am 

Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:20 am
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Location: Gloucestershire, UK
Drewbag wrote:
As well, I do not play a very friendly, sociable character.

There you go. Sucks to be you.

Well, to be your character, in any case :wink:

It's all well and fine playing the antisocial type, but not getting on with others, or at least being unable to manipulate them to supply you with what you need until you no longer need them, comes with certain disadvantages.

A Mud is designed to be a multi-player, social experience. And characters should evolve into the personas they are ultimately intended to play.

Not that I would presume to tell you how to play your game. I just don't think that "I do not play a very friendly, sociable character" is a valid excuse for expecting any sympathy over difficulties found with such a character's development curve.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:58 am 

Joined: Sat Feb 28, 2004 5:14 pm
Posts: 819
For the point of there is a high concentration of sorc trainers in Ayamao there is an equal amount in the deep.
There is a whole school for magic in the empire of bright star which has a lot of spells. You can get a number of spells in Teron/Uxmal. When you have pushed all your searching skills to the limit and still cant find a place that isnt attack a deep elf on sight simply dont be a deep elf, or ask someone for help.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:52 am 

Joined: Mon May 02, 2005 3:49 pm
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Location: Florida Atlantic University, Jupiter
I agree that it is a self imposed difficulty tat, but as you may know from my past chars I am simply rp'ing this one as a 'hater.' Even though this is a multi user experience, I should be able to determine how my char wants/will interact with those other users according to their history etc. In other words, one should not be forced to interact in any way with others as it limits their rp (either make a friend to take me there or use someone to take me there... two options=lame, constricted rp).

It is not the concentration of mage trainers that is the problem, but what they train. Yes, I can find acid blast and fly and color spray in tlax, torrum, and the deep, but when it comes to the higher level spells (vet+) the trainers only seem to be in ayamao or rylins tower(still dont know the real name) which is a [REDACTED] to get to/into.

One thing to remember before saying QQ: it would be very very easy for me to break rp and ask any of the many mages out there to take me to ralins towerkthanks, but I would be stepping out of character to do so, and I am an arrpee focused kinda guy (since as mitch, peso, DA, OVT, etc will tell you I cant pk worth a damn).

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:24 am 

Joined: Sat May 07, 2005 8:16 am
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When your roleplay causes you to be at a tactical disadvantage, this is an example of good roleplay. Continuing on even though you know there are more skills/spells available to you would be a good IC action. Of course this is only one facet of roleplay a person can take, but one I can appreciate as I've often taken some kind of weakness with most every character. It makes them more enjoyable.

That said, coming here to solve your self-imposed challenges is a little weak. If you really want to do something cool, make it a personal quest to learn these things ICly and without other's assistance.

If you want to take it a step further, have your sorceror character write a novel showing the places to go, people to talk to, how to get there, etc and get an IMM to put it in the game for you. I know there is room for a variety of books like this in more than one area in the game. Torrum Arcana, Tlaxcala, Anduras Cloister, these areas could all use more books for their libraries.


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:33 pm 

Joined: Mon May 02, 2005 3:49 pm
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Location: Florida Atlantic University, Jupiter
Hard to find anything out ic'ily when as you say there aren't many books!

I would write a book, but the last one I spent months perfecting, weeks attempting to contact the appropriate imm about, and more weeks being assured, passed over, and finally ignored ignored--resulting in the book not being published--kind of discourages me you know?

make me a builder and i will write books all damn day!
<--- lit major!

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