Radamanthys wrote:
Yes Adder, that's right, or at least it would be, if you weren't forgetting a rather iimportant detail: Absolutely no one in the Council of Blossoms, nor the Empress, nor any ruler in the history of Nerina ever claimed Zhenshi will sit and take it as foreign criminals flood the nation and stay there until the storm has passed. We're of course talking about serious crimes, not stealing a loaf of bread or some coin.
Really? I've never heard them take an official stance NOT to take that. If you can come up with any official document that says that zhenshi will not allow foreign criminals (who are law-abiding in zhenshi and might even be beneficial to the community) I will eat my words.
In other words, work the diplomacy out and Zhenshi -will- force criminals out of the land after a certain period of time, they are not turning a blind eye on real troublemakers or terrible criminals. Just as it happened in the past with both Zhenshi and Taslamar, I've both observed and taken part in such RP situations and they were fantastic.
Yada yada yada, of course there's the diplomacy aspect. Sometimes diplomacy fails. I know, it's crazy. Even if it took a week, I don't think the Hammer should stop all actions just to wait for what (to them) is usually a very small pawn in a very big game.
2nd Example: There's a difference between Surrendering and Supporting. Did the Keepers -help- the MC? You said yourself that there were no conditions, just a cease fire. If any keeper actually HELPED the MC commit evil acts, they should have gotten cursed and opposed by the Hammer. But this isn't what happened, right?
The keepers can help by default. For instance, I could sit in the same room as other keepers with their guards, and if a hammer attacks me, they get auto attacked. I can also walk around the city and if I get jumped, flee and report the crime. Repeat. As long as I keep mode stun on the Hammer will be plagued by bounty hunters every league they move, including inside the courtyard of Morea (this was before that was fixed). It only takes a couple days of that before the Hammer can't do [REDACTED] inside of Taslamar, which was of course the whole point to begin with.
By the way, I don't see anything evil about a tribunal defending a person who has committed no crimes. If the Hammer attacked me in a crowded area and drew quite a few guards and killed them, they'd end up causing significant damage to their city (and murder). Would the keepers not be within rights to kill them if they went around causing trouble?
I don't think the IMMS will suddenly change into three-headed cerberi. They've always allowed a lot of freedom in players' RP and that won't stop now. I am fairly confident the players rein themselves in when need be.
Exactly. So why change the help file?