jerinx wrote:
Also, I think 'capturing' should be removed - it should simply be an attempt to reform them.
Capturing on SK devolves down to attempting to put them in jail. I'm not condoning keeping people perpetually stunned.
jerinx wrote:
I vote for putting back up 'will' follow and uphold the laws of the land.
That's not something that I changed. It didn't ever say 'will'.
jerinx wrote:
They are willing to work with almost anyone who will help them in their cause? Turn a blind eye to evil acts if it'll help them out? This part is opening a very wide door that leads down a very slippery slope far worse than the ones being fixed.
Your assumption about the direction of the change is wrong. It used to say "will work with anyone". It now says "will work with
almost anyone". It's subtle but there ARE unspecified limits as to how much of a bastard that a scrupulous person will work with now.
jerinx wrote:
I hate the idea of a lightie being unable to kill someone standing in the way of their life goal of destroying evil if they can't talk them out of their way, for fear of a curse. If I played scrupulous, I'd still do it and take the curse if someone was bent on sticking it.
This is where alternatives should come into play. Ignore the other lightie and kill the evil guy anyway. If necessary, you may come to blows with the other lightie and attempt to stun him. Since you are both lighties, he has to do the same, so there is no tactical disadvantage. If both the lightie and the darkie end up attacking you at the same time, you were screwed from the start and should run. (Plus see below).
jerinx wrote:
What if a scrupulous elf found another elf chilling with a deep-elf, continually, without repent? Enmity and alignment clash. I don't like it.
Your elf should in-characterly express shock and horror and attempt to help cure the other elf of their madness. Meanwhile you should be sending up prayers about the enmity violation.