This thread really isn't about religion. Your alignment may make you suitable to join a following, not vice-versa.
I find Adder's argument completely convincing - convincing me to side against him. Scrupulous to kill another good person simply because they disagree on how to deal with an evil person? Astounding. This says more to me about how far the standards have fallen than anything else.
I've rewritten some help files. Given that so many people seem to play scrupulous because they feel that principled is too restrictive, I have slightly revised the definition for principled as well to give them a bit more leeway. And then I figured I'd go for three and make unprincipled sound a bit more consistant. Anyway here are the new live definitions:
[Alignment help] Principled
Principled characters value life and freedom above all else. They will strive
to protect all people, especially those who are not able to protect themselves.
When possible they will try to stop those who commmit evil acts by capturing
and attempting to reform them. Principled characters try with all their might
to follow and uphold the laws of the land. Those laws were created to protect
those who need protection and were most likely placed there by others of the
same alignment. Principled characters try to avoid killing, but do not
necessarily shy away from lethal force in the face of unrepentent evil.
[Alignment help] Scrupulous
Scrupulous characters value life, freedom, and happiness above all else, but
find the traditional methods of achieving these goals to be cumbersome. While
having the best of intentions, they sometimes descend to questionable, rash,
or even ruthless means against evil-doers. Although their lack of caution
may occasionally result in harm to innocents, they will not intentionally kill
those of good heart. They are willing to work with almost anyone who will
help them in their cause. Scrupulous characters are incredible leaders. They
lack the discipline necessary to be effective long-term rulers, becoming
frustrated by all the red tape needed to run an organized society.
[Alignment help] Unprincipled
Unprincipled characters will attempt to follow the laws and rules around them,
but often feel they are unnecessarily restrictive. They value their personal
freedom above anything else and will act out if these freedoms are infringed
upon. They tend to be kind and friendly, but when it comes down to it, they
are primarily looking out for their own interests. An unprincipled person will
overthrow a tyrant but might not be willing to sacrifice their life doing it.
Note that immortals will attempt to observe whether people are living up to these standards. If people intentionally go out of their way to break these updated guidelines, there may be some consequences.