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PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 1:17 pm 
Mortal Philanthropist

Joined: Mon Jun 21, 2004 12:58 pm
Posts: 3632
Location: Spokane, WA
Yeah . . .As long as the person at the time can even claim it was for the greater good. Hitler did a shitload of things and claimed it was for the greater good. Stalin did things and claimed it was for the greater good. The path to hell is paved in good intentions. The ends never justify the means. Like I said, all you have to do is just say, "it is for the greater good," and you can do anything you want in SK.

[edit] You can literally justify anything by the phrase.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 1:21 pm 

Joined: Tue May 20, 2003 1:19 pm
Posts: 1896
Yeah, but it really has to be for the greater good. The empire claims, in its own perspective, to perform acts in the greater good. SK has a very defined greater good. Lighty gods, lighty principles. Its not so hard to fudge here.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 2:04 pm 
Mortal Philanthropist

Joined: Mon Jun 21, 2004 12:58 pm
Posts: 3632
Location: Spokane, WA
And that is broken all the time. The excuse they give is that they were, "reckless" and they were being "ruthless." Which are both terms that they use to excuse everything. I saw a lightie in zhenshi one time slaughter everyone in the room because his char didn't like mine. He claimed it was for the "greater good." He claimed he was being "ruthless." Second part is very true and should never of been in the help files for scrupulous.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 2:10 pm 

Joined: Tue May 20, 2003 1:19 pm
Posts: 1896
How would you reword it then?

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 2:23 pm 
Mortal Philanthropist

Joined: Mon Jun 21, 2004 12:58 pm
Posts: 3632
Location: Spokane, WA
This is just a rough draft but I believe this more reflects what a lightie scrupulous person should behave.

Scrupulous characters value life, freedom, and happiness above all else, but find the traditional methods with achieving these goals to be cumbersome. They may have the best intentions but too often they feel that many of the laws are too restrictive to achieve the ultimate goal of good: life, freedom, and happiness. They are impulsive and at times are coined, “reckless.” To achieve their goal they are more willing to associate with others to achieve their ultimate objective that others might find unscrupulous at best.

Last edited by Muktar on Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 2:27 pm 

Joined: Tue May 20, 2003 1:19 pm
Posts: 1896
Idea it and write a new thread titled "scrupulous helpfile wording change" to ensure an immortal looks at it now. Might also be useful to pm a few with it.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 2:45 pm 

Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2002 12:17 pm
Posts: 492
Undead in SKs=> Unholy abominations. Defiled corpses or imprisoned souls.

E If a scrupulous character must do unethical stuff, he might, but it will NOT be unethical enough to contradict his respect for life/freedom bla bla whatever hte help file says. Undead are disrespect to both life and freedom. That is why Necros can't be good 'r even neutral. Until Good Undead show up in SKs, not rotting corpses but glorified Immortals, then this is fact.

Lighties=> Don't traffic with the above-mentioned.

If they do, even 'for the greater good' (greater good my behind, there are always limits in that), Lighties (should) become Darkies. Or at least get cursed to reflect that corruption.

Even some darkies don't want to play around with undead (Imperials, quite often).

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 2:59 pm 

Joined: Sat Mar 06, 2004 7:10 pm
Posts: 2577
Location: Boston, USA
SK Character: Sorel
The help files (so far as I know) were designed to be an aid and not a
limiting force. I would have no OOC problem with a scrupulous char who,
under duress, temporarily allied with a necromancer to save a city when
the lightie had absolutely no other options. Would every scrupulous char
do so? No. If I was playing a lightie at the time, would I have a negative
attitude towards that char? Probably. Is that bad? No. It's roleplay.

I think people are having trouble distinguishing between long running
general trends held by the general SK playerbase of "good" and "evil" and
what is actually in the spirit of the help files.

Of course, there is a fine line between "permissible" and "out of
alignment" behavior. I would consider almost any action that benefits a
higher and morally "right" idea (i.e. freedom, happiness, justice,
protection, etc.) as acceptable scrupulous character behavior. It might
not be how YOUR scrupulous char plays, but I think that it's probably not
bad RP. The exception is that if the action benefits solely your char, or
mostly your char, it becomes selfish behavior, and thus out of alignment.

Common Hammer example: A known enemy is sitting in the Nerina
(lightie inclined) inn, where he has committed no crimes and is thus not
harassed by the law. The Hammer rides in and tells the Talons to leave
or die with the enemy. The Talon refuses. The Hammer kills everyone.

I would consider that a very legitimate, in-alignment type of behavior for
scrupulous chars. They give clear warning to innocent and have a good
reason to attack. If you disagree with that example and think that it
should be punishable, then you'll probably never understand how I think
about the alignment.


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:10 pm 

Joined: Tue May 20, 2003 1:19 pm
Posts: 1896
My page isn't broken dude.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:16 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 26, 2002 8:13 am
Posts: 1155
Location: Newton, MA
Ooopse I've been ignoring this thread. In any case the comments about Elasachar, its true that I was killing the outer guardian before I got headbutted (was at like 96% hp /cry) In any case, DA is right that guards would probably have raped my concentration, but I don't recall gas breath hurting all, only acid breath perhapse and even that wasn't THAT painful.

As for the guards, would they even spawn if someone is soloing the guardian?

P.S. Yes, the page is indeed b0rked.

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