Morovik wrote:
I really like this unique race, they have many RP probabilities and generally, ... I like Dwarves.
Still we see that there are almost none available, every experienced player will definitely choose a Giant over a dwarf in a heartbeat. The reasons are quite obvious, a Giant will get (sorry for bringing up numbers but its faster) 25 Strength and 24 Constitution. While a Dwarf will get 21 Strength and 25 Constitution also the weapon size parameter seems to be another drawback. Now, RP wise, yes I can see a gnome or even a Halfling have a hard time dealing damage with a small weapon, but the sturdy, stubborn Dwarf should not have a problem. I do not propose turning them into a super race, but the fact that their numbers keep decreasing should make it obvious that something should be done to balance up the race. Probably something to negate their small weapon size.
If you intend on playing a melee-style class, do not choose dwarf. They deal such pathetic damage that all the other benefits of them are just null and void.
After a month of playing one, I couldn't take it anymore. They're extremely inferior and even their impossibly small, almost unnoticiable hp gain isn't worth it.