Pretty simple: what do you think about centaurs and dwarves, after an increasingly long exposure to human and ____-elven culture in general, taking up some of their more "devoted" followings, such as those of the paladin and the hellion? IC racial-cultural development nonwithstanding, just the idea of having new combinations to screw around with can be good for the game itself.
Dwarves and centaurs recently have been in a little bit of a need for love, what with all these other races suddenly becoming heavily dominant (sprites seem to be incredibly popular as of late). Maybe this would be a good way of showing it to them.
I personally think it would be pretty awesome. I'm sure someone else out there agrees, too. Who knows what kinds of builds you'd pull off with those, though. I suggest we get Cannibal on the case for that.
For those that need the poll spelled out to you: the poll has many options for "yes" -- there's no purpose to there being that many "yes" options except for one reason: you either already have a good idea of why you'd like the idea instated, or you don't. There's one option for "won't play one, would like to see them". There's one option for anywhere from "not sure" to "don't care", which is the "indecisive" gray area. And then there's one option for "get the hell out of dodge".