I had a superb roleplaying experience out of trying to convince a lightie priest to resurrect my dark roguesh character. Though I do not know how well did he enjoy it, since after a lengthly debate he banished me from his mind and blocked tells

But anyway, the experience was very fun.
He tried to ask me which path do I walk, of light or darkness. On which I truthfully told him that I wouldnt know, and consider myself just plain normal. He told me that i'm definately not of pure soul since a pure soul would know he is of light, on which I've given him a long speech on how only the theologically educumated can ever get help from a priest these days, since they're learned in these spiritual matters. Eventually, he cought me skirting a question by asking me which color the sand was and what creatures were around. While I claimed that i didnt see anyone at all, my description of sand as ... sandish just ... didnt convince him. But anyway, I enjoyed the argument most fully.