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PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2005 12:01 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 416
Location: The 5th layer of Hell, New Jersey
Ilyana wrote:
Darkie priests are too easily mutilated by paladins. Grey priests were gimped which makes them far less desirable to play.

Wrong and Wrong.
The only dark priests that could be owned by a pally are deep-elf ones, and then its just about how to echant their gear to aviod that.
With a darky priest of mine I took a average of 3-4% from a GM pallys Bolt of glorys, and they took around 24% from my harms.
Not hard to see who would win that one.

And Grey got gimped? lolz Before when protection was pick and chose you either put it up when you knew you were going to fight something light or dark, now you can just keep it up and have it work for both, and even tho its not as effective as a lightys or darkys protections its still damn good.
And grey aura spear of faith and holy word were less dmg for as long as I can remember playing my first grey priest (5-6 years ago)

Priests are never on
Damn you must be blind I see priests on almost all the time, except when there is like 5-10 people on, and even then I sometimes see them(Not all priests have titles that scream OMFG I'M A PRIEST!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111).

The rest of your post was filled with what looks to be whining that you couldn't get a few priests to help you, and if you are as whiny then as you are here who could blame them.

P.S. Inidil: scripts that spit out symbols got ze gank.

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PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2005 4:29 am 

Joined: Wed Jun 26, 2002 9:13 pm
Posts: 228
In that case, I will gladly STFU.
As far as the Bog goes against darkie priests I will state that Inidil being dark elf, with a con of 3 (yes, 3!) ate at least 3 bogs in a battle. Any priest should have crazy enchanted armor and a few side spells to boot. That is all.

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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 1:10 am 

Joined: Tue Jun 03, 2003 12:54 am
Posts: 66
Location: Bel Aire, KS
Word to my IceHellion brother.
I have been playing the same deep elven priest for 3 years now, and only once have I been killed by a Paladin. Sometimes I think that I am too good looking to be kill by a paladin.

For those people who are complaining about not being able to get a rez from priest, then make yourself a priest! So we all will benefit. You will have a priest on at that time of the day when only 5-10 people are on, others will be happy to see a priest around.

I am sorry for wasting forum space.
I know that about 90% or more people who play sk have played a priest at some point in time before and know what it is like to be a priest.
A priest is just awesome, especially gnome priests, they are just too cute.

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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 5:33 am 

Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:53 am
Posts: 1786
1) Grey priests, particularly cloths faiths, got royally screwed when the aura changes hit. Prot does about 1/2 as much as it did, SoF is weaker but still decent, and holy word effecting lighties and darkies at the same time is rather nice, where they lack is EQ. I was running a priest when the change happened, and losing 30% of my things because they now zapped me was not pleasant. A grey cloth priest has access to absolute crap unless you are the l337 h4><0r of equipment making them rather difficult to do anything unless you just want an RP machine. In that respect they are well suited as they will interact with any faith, any race, any aura.

2) BoG was upgraded recently, making it much more formidable than before. For a Delf priest though, if you have sanc, prot, and a shield up with decently enchanted armor you can still soak a LOT of the damage. Mix that with healing and you can take quite a few of them.

3) As for priests, sometimes it's a chore to be a rezwhore. Sort of like working in food service or retail, it is something that everyone should do at least once in their life, just to know what priests go through. If you want an RP magnet who everyone will bend over an kiss your [REDACTED], then make a priest and demand respect. If you want to try to RP and have everyone laugh about how they use you, then make a priest and fall into the rezwhore slot.

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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 5:56 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 416
Location: The 5th layer of Hell, New Jersey
Fepel Veiled wrote:
1) Grey priests, particularly cloths faiths, got royally screwed when the aura changes hit. Prot does about 1/2 as much as it did, SoF is weaker but still decent, and holy word effecting lighties and darkies at the same time is rather nice, where they lack is EQ. I was running a priest when the change happened, and losing 30% of my things because they now zapped me was not pleasant. A grey cloth priest has access to absolute crap unless you are the l337 h4><0r of equipment making them rather difficult to do anything unless you just want an RP machine. In that respect they are well suited as they will interact with any faith, any race, any aura.
lol not true at all. The SoF and Holyword do less dmg for grey priests has been like that for a looooooooong time, and the prot change was a good one. You don't have to guess and chose wich aura you will need it against in everyday things, you can just keep it up all the time and be protected from both Brilliant!

And as for your comment on lack of EQ lol, there is so much no aura energy/flame/water eq out there its hard not to trip over it. And if you are a noob and don't want to go that way you can just wear any old cloth you have encahnted out the [REDACTED] and use the spell Magical vestments to buff its armor value up.

2) BoG was upgraded recently, making it much more formidable than before. For a Delf priest though, if you have sanc, prot, and a shield up with decently enchanted armor you can still soak a LOT of the damage. Mix that with healing and you can take quite a few of them.
BoG will do two things vs any smart priest, Jack and [REDACTED]. Even a deep-elf priest can enchant their [REDACTED] out the [REDACTED] and go either full MR or go for the assload of MP and combine that with sanc and prot and that bog will tickle them.

3) As for priests, sometimes it's a chore to be a rezwhore. Sort of like working in food service or retail, it is something that everyone should do at least once in their life, just to know what priests go through. If you want an RP magnet who everyone will bend over an kiss your [REDACTED], then make a priest and demand respect. If you want to try to RP and have everyone laugh about how they use you, then make a priest and fall into the rezwhore slot.
Yes everyone should make a priest at least once to see how stupid people can be when trying to ask a priest for help. They also can learn why people should never assume that a priest has spirit sight up 24/7. And as for the Rezwhore part, there are people out there who enjoy going around and helping everyone out and interacting with them. But to me it would get boring after a time.

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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 6:14 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 4:00 pm
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SK Character: Salak
I don't know why any priest with half a brain would want to enchant their kit for MR, given they have spells like sanctuary, cures and heals. I think you should just stick to the reflex + sanc + protection strategy for BOG as a priest.


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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 7:03 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2003 5:48 am
Posts: 1306
Having played a cloth priest for over a year, I can assure you that properly enchanted equipment plus magical vestments is a winning combination.

Fepel wrote:
A grey cloth priest has access to absolute crap unless you are the l337 h4><0r of equipment making them rather difficult to do anything unless you just want an RP machine.

With a good pet and the harm spell, a competant priest with initiative should be able to kill any class (unless they have uber MR).

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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 7:31 am 
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Benzo Balrog wrote:
Having played a cloth priest for over a year, I can assure you that properly enchanted equipment plus magical vestments is a winning combination.

Fepel wrote:
A grey cloth priest has access to absolute crap unless you are the l337 h4><0r of equipment making them rather difficult to do anything unless you just want an RP machine.

With a good pet and the harm spell, a competant priest with initiative should be able to kill any class (unless they have uber MR).

Finally the truth is revealed. I'm sick of people copping out with the old, I'm just a priest line. Priests don't suck. Look at Uyvelli that old guardian priest, or even Frollith who has scored some decent pks. You've got enchanting, harm, scrolls, staves. You've got a lot of offense and defence right there.

Access to the best enchanted items there can be since you can do it yourself, use of one of the most powerful attack spells in the game, scrolls, and staves give you immesurable utility and much more. You've got a good class in priests.

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