I voted for 'need something', but I'm not sure that's really true in game mechanics. My understanding from hardcore players is that Hellions can be a really good class PK wise, if you know what you're doing. Thats fine.
I've just thought that their skillset vs. their description was always kind of misleading.
I mean, their supposed to be people obssesed with their own personal honor, who never use deceit because it would display personal weakness. Their supposed to be unafraid of combat, their supposed to dual people 1 v 1 to settle their debts. Yet, lets look at the primary rules for hellions:
1. Always be behind a dominate or pet with a polearm that can cleave. Front row hellion = boned hellion
2. Always hide/invis and use cleave to get in the first hit. Hellion who doesn't get off cleave my well be boned hellion.
I'm not saying that the class as is sucks, or is incapable of PK or anything like that, because I haven't played one in forever. What I am saying is that their skillset doesn't seem to line up with what they're supposed to be. Anyone else agree on this one?