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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:49 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 27, 2002 9:16 am
Posts: 766
Location: Denver, CO
own! wrote:
I knowingly inducted dark-aura characters into the Guardians. While various people with subpar intelligence and imagination have perceived Ayamao to be a 'good' country, and while it is certainly dominated by elves, who are 'good', centaurs are not all good, and they represent at least one third of the "Ayamaoan Alliance".

Good point. Similarly, the sprites are not 'good' either. Actually, I think since my recent work on Elisair, the sprites as a whole are even more neutral-based than the centaurs of Grahme. I've long hated elven dominance of the Alliance... thank god the sprites kicked them all out of their village!

own! wrote:
I think it'd be a great RP for an imm to do some shaking in the Alliance when the centaur Federation realises it's certainly being misrepresented by other more powerhungry factions of its nation.

I agree that this would be a great RP, but disagree that it's something an imm should do. When I was a player, I had a centaur character named Telumehtar, a member of the druids (who controlled Ayamaoan law at the time) whom I roleplayed as the head diplomat for Grahme Village and of the Centaur Federation. One of the members of the then Knights of Selkwood (when the group was purely an RP group with no tribunal code to support them), an elf (of course), got into a heated dispute with a gray-aura centaur priest who was an active roleplayer among the Centaur Federation RP we had at the time. The elf got the centaur priest deathmarked in Ayamao for what was an alignment dispute. I got immortal support at that time (from Yenko) to support my roleplay which risked breaking the Ayamao Alliance, as the centaurs of Grahme were going to dissolve the Alliance if the deathmark were not reversed (the dispute being that while the elves were welcome to ban him from Sith, the centaurs refused to ban him from Grahme). Luckily (or perhaps not luckily), the elves caved under the pressure and the Alliance was saved.

There was another time that there arose some serious infighting within the Alliance, when I was a relatively new immortal a few years ago, and I was prepared to support another RP that would have had the same consequences. This second time there wasn't the same in-depth player-instigation of the roleplay so it never reached the realm of possibility.

In short, this is a roleplay idea that I have supported in theory for years. However, it would NEED to be completely player-driven, immortals being involved only for support, for it to work and for it to be worth the extensive amount of work that would need to be involved from the immortals.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 12:02 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 20, 2004 11:57 am
Posts: 320
If there is going to be an effort at showing the 'alliance' as simply that, then there needs to be a way to deport people from the different citys specificly. If your an evil centaur, I could see the elves saying they dont want you in their city. Would this cause problems between grahme and sith, sure... but thats what alliances are "working problems" :-)

Would this need a new tribunal for each.. NO, the tribunal might however need flags for the leader of each city within them with power to deport from their own city. The #1 and #2 for the gaurdians would be able to then ban you from the entirety of the alliance. (with maybe the added benifit of the city leaders being able to grant passage within their city dispite being exiled from the nation as a whole)

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 10:19 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 12, 2004 9:29 pm
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Location: Raligh, NC USA
Off topic, but the first thing that came into my head Yorik when I read that was:

Oh my!  I'm exiled from Exile!!!


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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 10:25 pm 

Joined: Fri Nov 26, 2004 1:03 pm
Posts: 1593
Location: pyrathia
Sorry i have noticed that alot of the help being asked here is me asking for help... i almost feel like i have a community character.... seriosly though... i want to know if thier is a book or a place i can find out more about ayamao alliance... becuase i ask around and the people in the allaiance wont tell me and the other's say they dont know... so is thier a way i can find out more of who are the people in the aliance who is in it and what problems they may have or have had in the past... it would be really helpfull to my character...

again everyone... sorry for asking far more question's then anyone else

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 9:53 am 

Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 10:49 am
Posts: 109
As for books, look in the libraries. I do believe there are some books on the alliance and about centaurs in the Grahme Library. The Uxmaln Library is also filled with a lot of books, though I am unsure if it has any on the alliance. If all else fails, you can research the alliance and write your own book on it :D

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 11:13 pm 

Joined: Fri Nov 26, 2004 1:03 pm
Posts: 1593
Location: pyrathia
own! wrote:
I knowingly inducted dark-aura characters into the Guardians. While various people with subpar intelligence and imagination have perceived Ayamao to be a 'good' country, and while it is certainly dominated by elves, who are 'good', centaurs are not all good, and they represent at least one third of the "Ayamaoan Alliance".

Good point. Similarly, the sprites are not 'good' either. Actually, I think since my recent work on Elisair, the sprites as a whole are even more neutral-based than the centaurs of Grahme. I've long hated elven dominance of the Alliance... thank god the sprites kicked them all out of their village!

While all this sounds nice it does not work. SK is does not have players willing to do certian things like this. I was even told OOCly by a Immortal it wouls never happen. I would of like to have heard this from the start of my characters life so I would of had a different character who maybe would of had a few friends who would help. not just a helpfull raven priest, a hellion who while is nice the few times we spoke obviosly cares little if at all for the caharacter and only one real friend.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 1:15 am 
What I've seen of the current Guardians of the Alliance has led me to believe that unless you want to play a cookie cutter 'goodie' character, you'd best look elsewhere for cabal/tribunal membership.

Maybe one day somebody dynamic will take the helm of the Guardians, but for the moment they seem happy enough to stand around in a circle giving each other compliments about how great it is to be good - in fact, they recently chaired (and called for, in fact) a 'meeting of the light' or somesuch nonsense where they spoke about how great it'd be to kill darkies.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 7:47 pm 

Joined: Thu Jun 03, 2004 9:22 pm
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own don't try and flame things that you don't know about. We'll run the Alliance the way we want, you don't lead anymore.

Not everyone has your opinion on matters, some people like playing pure lighties. Considering Damien is my first character period, I'd say he's not a cookie cutter since I didn't even have a cut-out to refer to.

Back on topic then.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 4:26 am 

Joined: Fri Nov 26, 2004 1:03 pm
Posts: 1593
Location: pyrathia
Pure light??? read the help files.
help principled
If your character is of principled alignment, they will most likely value
life, and freedom above all else. They will strive to protect all people,
especially those who are not able to protect themselves. They even try to protect those who commit evil acts from themselves, attempting to convince the evil person to denounce their evil ways. Principled characters try with all their might to follow and uphold the laws of the land. Those laws were created for a purpose, to protect those who need protection. Thoselaws were most likely placed there by others of the same alignment.Principled characters try to avoid killing whenever possible, using it as a last resort, when all other courses of action have been exhausted.


help scrupulous
Scrupulous characters value life, freedom, and happiness above all else,
but find the traditional methods with achieving these goals to be cumbersome. They have the best of intentions, but are sometimes ruthless and lack the necessary caution, occasionally hurting innocents in the process. They are willing to work with anyone who will help them in their cause, and usually make incredible leaders. They lack the discipline necessary to be effective long-term rulers, becoming frustrated by all the red tape needed to run an organized society.

Unless I misunderstand the meaning of this I belive that even a "pure light" character would be fighting along side a "darkie".

And alliance suggest that thier is a difference of opinoin on many matters but that people set aside thier differences for the simialr goals they have.

Agian I could be wrong. :wink:

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 9:24 am 

Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2004 8:36 am
Posts: 184
Any chance the flames could be taken to general discussion? I'd like to follow the newbie forums, but I'd rather not read about personal issues between players.

As for the thread... I seem to recall reading somewhere a post about the rejection of a character into... eh, not sure... but someone who wanted to kill any evil in sight was debated. I believe own! was one to point out that such characters should be allowed (which I by the way, in the spirit of roleplay, can only agree with).

I don't understand why anybody should or would want to dictate the nature of a 'pure lightie'. I personally would find it a little sad if all goodies -had- to "talk before fight", if all of them -had- to be tolerant, if they all -had- to be educated, sensible creatures. Where's the fun in that? There are fanatics everywhere, and I imagine a by-the-book soldier community like the Paladins would be an excellent environment to nurture fanaticism.

I've heard this 'cookie cutter' term quite a lot on these forums, and everytime it pops up it boggles me. You guys have a mud and a community with some of the most amusing roleplay I've had the fortune to witness, so what's with the need to label the roleplay of others? If people put some thought into the character's past and present, consider his or her's strengths and weaknesses, what's 'cookie cut' about it? As so many on here apparently love to point out in best Fight Club manner, most are not and will not be beautiful and unique snowflakes. But I bet you the hardest, most challenging character to roleplay is one of mediocrity, since even in mediocrity you will have unique traits, just less obvious ones.

To get back on track: 'cookie cut' characters might very well be the backbone of a community - those who represent the most general characteristics of a culture. To me, that says absolutely nothing about the player's ability to roleplay, on the contrary. His or her ability to manipulate the little things, that does.

*crawls back into her cave and scans the sky for pregnant-with-sextuplet griffons*

Last edited by Leri on Sat Jan 22, 2005 1:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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