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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 11:09 pm 

Joined: Wed May 05, 2004 1:58 am
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No :devil:

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 12:24 am 

Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 2:46 pm
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As someone who has a room affect spell (midnight) I know how tiring holding midnight can be.

I am a GM priestess with excellent stats, yet I struggle over an extended period of time(5 mins tops) of holding midnight without resting and in battle Im also having to concintrate on ensuring everyones staying alive.
(I am in no way saying the amount it takes to hold Midnight should be reduced, its a tactic we employ and is required. I like it just a pinch difficult)

When dispell was easily done it drove me nuts, specificly when I was right in the room when they were trying to cancel it and I was holding it while rested.

Recasting it over and over again is also very exhausting. I do believe it should be dispeller against the holder of the spell.

Now then onto warped space..

I believe it should be a held spell just like Midnight is. It is fairly silly that they can cast these spells continualy and not have to hold it with a drain on their mana.

Make them similiar in that fashion.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:02 am 
Amaya wrote:
As someone who has a room affect spell (midnight) I know how tiring holding midnight can be.

I am a GM priestess with excellent stats, yet I struggle over an extended period of time(5 mins tops) of holding midnight without resting and in battle Im also having to concintrate on ensuring everyones staying alive.
(I am in no way saying the amount it takes to hold Midnight should be reduced, its a tactic we employ and is required. I like it just a pinch difficult)

When dispell was easily done it drove me nuts, specificly when I was right in the room when they were trying to cancel it and I was holding it while rested.

Recasting it over and over again is also very exhausting. I do believe it should be dispeller against the holder of the spell.

Now then onto warped space..

I believe it should be a held spell just like Midnight is. It is fairly silly that they can cast these spells continualy and not have to hold it with a drain on their mana.

Make them similiar in that fashion.

First off, this isn't a thread that compares midnight to warped space. Warped Space isn't nearly as good as midnight. There is no way it should be as hard to use. From personal Experience I have seen things done to the advantage of those who use it that could never ever be done with warped space.

1)I have seen a person midnight there way from the ice portal to the temple of murder so they didn't have to fight anything along the way, including that invincible monster.

2) I have seen midnight used to midnight an battle area with an inner guardian so that when the guardian was slain the MC simply scooped up their own relic, because none of us could see it.

In closeing I would say midnight should be harder to use the warped space because midnight is a superior spell. Fighting in midnight and fighting warped space, you can't even compare the two. Midnight wins, hands down.

Edit: Keep in mind that the only thing warped space does is make movement difficult. You are totally free apart from that. What that means is that anything anyone is doing to you while you can't move, a smart group can do back. If you have warlocks, scouts, and mercs in your group you can shirmish back, fireball back. In midnight you are far more heavily penalized then in warped space.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:12 am 
Zorekin, you were right when you said this wasn't a comparative thread. I won't even pretend to know then, why you went off on a tangent trying to compare the two.

I could myself launch into a comparison, but will instead simply say that warped space holds no drawbacks for the caster and is impossible to dispel if cast by a character with high save rolls. I have never yet managed to dispel a warped space cast by Uyzella, for example, and not for want of trying. All told I've wasted about three entire pools of mana failing to dispel warped space.

Mana cost of the spell is insignificant - the spell lasts around quarter of an hour realtime when cast by a grand master. It takes maybe three minutes RL for one caster to warp up a city in its entirety. The spell needs to be changed because frankly, as it is, warped space makes it totally impossible to mount an effective defence or offense against even a small group of harlequins.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:15 am 
own! wrote:
Mana cost of the spell is insignificant - the spell lasts around quarter of an hour realtime when cast by a grand master. It takes maybe three minutes RL for one caster to warp up a city in its entirety. The spell needs to be changed because frankly, as it is, warped space makes it totally impossible to mount an effective defence or offense against even a small group of harlequins.

I don't recall summon failing on warped spaces. If you cannot get to your target the traditional way, have them come to you. Or try a gate kill, don't see many of them. :devil:

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:19 am 
Thank you, I'd rather not wait to be attacked at my opponent's leisure with no sure way of getting away with my group intact.

As for gates and summons, how often have you tried gating to someone resisting summons and possessing reasonable equipment?

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:44 am 

Joined: Wed May 05, 2004 1:58 am
Posts: 2423
Location: Athens, Greece
Oh, come on, what is warped space really doing to you? Stop whinning about it. Having played a harlie, I know it takes a significant amount of mana to cast, so a caster centaur can warp up to 5-6 rooms with full mana, and you can still pass through the rooms if your willpower is good enough i think. So?...
Playing Izion I have also dispelled warped rooms several times easilly. So, if it takes you a mana pool to unwarp a room, maybe there is something wrong with your sorcie, not the warp spel.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:48 am 
Juggernaut, your information is incorrect. The only possible explanation is that you were dispelling warps before it became more difficult to dispel them.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 3:41 am 

Joined: Mon Jun 17, 2002 4:18 pm
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I don't think warp space was ever a held spell. I know it wasn't when I had mordanzibel, and I could only warp about 3 rooms with my mana pool at the time..maybe 4 if i found some greater mana mods...mana cost was pretty high back then.

And really, the spell isn't all that powerful. It breaks up groups, thats really it. Anyone can gate out of it or rift out of it and you can recall out if it. If you wait in a group, you can still easily see your enemies if they come and it doesn't effect stats at all.

I've been in mc and druids and I can honestly say that their room effectings spells are far superior.

Now granted, warp space is an annoying spell and I've said ho hum a many times and waited for it to disperse on its on simply becuase i didnt want to waste a word potion, but still, there is that option.

And speaking of options, I do remember a time when dispelling rooms wasn't one, perhaps what needs to be tweaked is not the warp space spell, but the instead the dispel magic spell itself. Maybe beef it a little, I know its hard as balls to dispel sorcerors in ethereal form, especially sarukayn. Though I wouldn't beef it by much at all.

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 Post subject: Mana
PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 3:41 am 
It does take an assload of mana to cast warp space, that's not inacurate at all.

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