Shattered Kingdoms

Item Spotlight - Axe of the Bannermen
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Author:  Algorab [ Fri Apr 27, 2018 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Item Spotlight - Axe of the Bannermen

"As far as weapons go most axes aren't worth the metal they're forged of, even less-so the ceremonial stuff they hand out to people as trophies or prizes. Who is going to give away one of their best weapons? But there are some exceptions that prove the rule if you dig deep enough, in this case deep into the realm of the dwarves of Vaerlain. An axe that helps those troops who have been inspired and rallied couldn't make more sense to commemorate a new alliance, but people overlook the wisdom of the Zhensh who knew anything less than an effective tool of war would have been laughed out of the dwarven halls..."

- Loremaster Barnabus, Adventurer's Guild

An axe of the bannermen is not only a battle-axe of diamond, but has been known to augment the effects of wielders inspired both by rallying cries, and songs of war. Information regarding the location of this item and more can be found within the shelves of the Adventurer's Guild in Teron.

(Trying something new with this as a way to give people an idea of some of the items available in-game, as well as pointing people in the right direction to find some different items for themselves ICly. Provide any feedback you would like in the comments.)

Author:  TacoRobot [ Sat Apr 28, 2018 2:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Item Spotlight - Axe of the Bannermen

This is a neat idea.

Author:  Trosis [ Sat Apr 28, 2018 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Item Spotlight - Axe of the Bannermen

I like the idea. It takes away from bards and lore.
But with low numbers, this is somewhat needed.
Maybe make a locked forum for the initial post and then a separate one for q&a regarding the item.

Author:  Algorab [ Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Item Spotlight - Axe of the Bannermen

Trosis wrote:
I like the idea. It takes away from bards and lore.
But with low numbers, this is somewhat needed.
Maybe make a locked forum for the initial post and then a separate one for q&a regarding the item.

The fluff is absolutely based on the lore, but I did try to make up something instead of just directly using it because I'm of the mind bards really don't need any devaluing that can be avoided.

In theory, stuff like this will eventually live on the wiki where we will provide the bare bones like this, and players can fill in more information later on as it's discovered.

I appreciate the feedback :)

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