Shattered Kingdoms

To gag, or not to gag? <- That is the question.
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Author:  the_me [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  To gag, or not to gag? <- That is the question.

Alright! I've found my mud client, BeipMU, uses PCRE for it's regular expressions in the triggers and have been having a fun time highlighting, blinking and coloring useful information.

That aside, let's get to the point.

I want to start breaking into more PK / heavy combat stuff, and am curious what (if anything) others who are heavily PK oriented gag, highlight, etc?

I have the lines like ".*looks pretty hurt." all color coded now and find that alone helps a ton, but what other steps would be great to take?

((If this is more of a gameplay question, feel free to move it. But seems more like a client thing gaging stuff so I put it here))

Edit by Meissa: URL fixed.

Author:  grep [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Anything that changes the output of the affect command should be brought to your attention, generally speaking, especially conditions you are prepared to either rectify or exploit.

Author:  Le Petit Prince [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 1:21 pm ]
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I thought this thread was going to be about something completely different.

Author:  the_me [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

grep wrote:
Anything that changes the output of the affect command should be brought to your attention, generally speaking, especially conditions you are prepared to either rectify or exploit.

I have bash and trip bold, underline, italics, flashing, colored, as well as regaining footing (both self + anyone else), will have to keep an eye out for other affects for sure.

How about hits? It's not really necessary to see all that coughing up blood garbage, or is it? Would it be wise to just dumb them all down to something like "You hit X" or "X hits you" and of course "X hits Y", or is the information each one sends back about where and how hard they are hit important enough to keep?

I'm guessing most people gag shield blocks, dodges, and misses, or am I mistaken there?

Author:  Le Petit Prince [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Depends. As a healer/caster it's a good idea to gag it since you don't really care and it's just spamming up your screen, but as a tank, I like to know how much I'm parrying/dodging/shield blocking, so I don't gag it.

Author:  the_me [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Le Petit Prince wrote:
Depends. As a healer/caster it's a good idea to gag it since you don't really care and it's just spamming up your screen, but as a tank, I like to know how much I'm parrying/dodging/shield blocking, so I don't gag it.

I'm playing a priest at the moment, and even then still don't mind keeping track of some of them. I will try to find a happy mid-ground that won't distract me from healing (as usually happens).

EDIT: Almost forgot about the 'nospam' command for a second. Will use that for combat other then manual ones.

Author:  Edoras [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:03 am ]
Post subject: 

I use nospam none, because with any type of nospam your group can end up being in combat without you noticing due to the first "hit" command being a miss/shield block/dodge, at which point if you make the mistake of moving you completely wreck everything.

I also like to see how people are dodging/blocking/missing too. And if you're a real experienced healer even the damage messages from each attack can hint towards who needs healing (If you see someone in your party getting hit with the color red in the damage message, they probably need healing, so go ahead and type info;c heal XXX so you're healing them while you actually look at the results of your info)

Author:  grep [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:43 am ]
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A real pro sets up her client so that when something flies by in a highlight, all she has to do is press F2 to respond to it appropriately.

Author:  ninja_ardith [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:55 am ]
Post subject: 

grep wrote:
A real pro sets up her client so that when something flies by in a highlight, all she has to do is press F2 to respond to it appropriately.

A real pro doesn't rely on scripts, macros and [REDACTED]. I've been going off of the 20 aliases that SK lets you define on the server side for the last 10 years. I use nospam none because I love seeing all that text fly by on the screen. I don't print out helpful information to child windows just because I am tough, and hardcore.

Kids and your fancy scripts. Bleh.

Author:  grep [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Some of us have other things we'd like to get accustomed to instead. :D

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