The icon is now live. Here's the message I got from Zugg yesterday:
I got the icon, promotional text, and *.mud file uploaded to our server today. To test this you can either do a clean install of CMUD or zMUD, or you can delete/rename the cmudstartup.ini (startup.ini for zMUD) and sessions.db (chardb.mdb for zMUD) files. Then when you run CMUD it should download the new icons and files.
The *.mud file will get automatically converted into the *.pkg format for CMUD. Since the same files are used for both zMUD and CMUD it doesn't really support a separate *.pkg file anyway. It should also download the zfg file for the mapper. I did not add the *.mdb map file because our startup system doesn't support starting map files for either zMUD or CMUD, and also because the map format has changed so many times that converting automatically can cause potential problems.
You are actually only the 2nd MUD in 10+ years to take advantage of the *.mud and the *only* MUD to take advantage of the *.zfg download. So it hasn't gotten a lot of testing. But hopefully it all still works.
Note that your *.mud file will only be used for new players. If anybody running zMUD or CMUD already has a session on Shattered Kingdoms, their existing files are retained.
The info about how to get the icon even if you already had an install is handy. It's also cool that we are doing things that no other MUD has ever done!
Note that I still need to send him the fifth version of the package so that he can update with the latest changes.