Look in all directions? Pfft! How Novice rank!
I'm the genius who brought you
/alias {gtfo} {take recall $container;say Looks like we're blasting off again!;bkiss;quaff recall}
But, Neconct, that's my "compass" alias:
alias compass look north;look northeast;look east;look southeast;look south;look southwest;look west;look northwest
very handy one, I recommend everyone has it. Be sure to type out the full directions, otherwise you're going to be eventually use the abbreviations in the wrong context and focus on your
self or some
swift male griffon. There is no reason to use abbreviations in alias definitions; avoid the chance for a mishap by just typing things out fully.
My look alias is where my character performs all the inventory and relevant status maintenance tasks I would want to regularly perform without alteration. It is my "void main()" function.