Shattered Kingdoms

Pet Looting Coins Unable to move
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Author:  BAI7l7 [ Tue May 19, 2020 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Pet Looting Coins Unable to move

Leveling some new character and had a wildcat. Killing the sparring partners in the taslamaran academy transferred coins to the wildcat's inventory making it unable to move. I had to order the wildcat to drop all coins. I've noticed this with other pets too in other situations.

I've seen other people assume that the pet is broken and get rid of them. This is a very bad bug for new players.

Author:  Meissa [ Thu May 21, 2020 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pet Looting Coins Unable to move

I'll have a look at that and see if I can fix it. Thanks. :)

In the meantime, have the pet set to mode stun. Currently it looks like it transfers the coin to whoever gets the killing blow. I'm going to attempt to add a variable that if it's not a PC, it drops the coin. I'll go through the entire area with this patch. I think it's just because you don't "kill" these NPCs but just defeat them, so no corpse. Maybe something that's happening in similar areas.

Let us know if you find more.

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