Shattered Kingdoms

Borderlands Quest
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Author:  Kirsenvar [ Sat Feb 10, 2018 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Borderlands Quest


I was wondering if the Borderlands quest is broken? I decided to help Lord Triliani and have found out that there is an item carried by the Tribal Chieftain that I need to give to Lord Triliani's magi. When I enter the tent.

The Chieftain's Tent
  This tent is made of thick white canvas and is circular in shape.  There
is a table set up in the center of the space, but there are no other
furnishings or decorations.  A stack of hides and skins is piled up in one
corner, and the scent of incense lingers on the air here.   
Obvious exits: w
A tattooed human, the tribal chieftan, stands here.
A wildcat exits out of a tent.

The tribal chieftain frowns at what you did.

He does not respond to any of the keywords of the item I need for him or even interact except for frown. Is the quest broken or am I missing something?

Thank you

Author:  Meissa [ Sun Feb 11, 2018 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Borderlands Quest

Did you try killing him?

I mean, the two groups are fighting.... Not sure why he'd talk to you about a relic that's going to help Florence. :P

Author:  Kirsenvar [ Sun Feb 11, 2018 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Borderlands Quest

You're joking right? I've killed him 20 times.

Author:  Meissa [ Sun Feb 11, 2018 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Borderlands Quest

You mentioned the keywords, but not killing him. I just play an omniscient being in SK.

I'll take a look at it later.

Author:  Kirsenvar [ Sun Feb 11, 2018 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Borderlands Quest

Sorry I thought that killing him would be anyone's given first choice of action. Should have clarified that! :P

Author:  Meissa [ Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Borderlands Quest

kill chieftain
You pierce at the tribal chieftain's right arm. The tribal chieftain falls to his knees and collapses!
The tribal chieftain is DEAD!!
You hear the tribal chieftain's death cry.
You see nothing like that in the corpse.
You junk a corpse of the tribal chieftain.
A *thing you need* falls out.

I'm not seeing any reason at all that you wouldn't have the exact same result. The item in question is not limited. In fact, 5 of them are in the game, 4 currently on other characters. The dropping of the item is not dependent on quest flags. The item is neither invisible nor hidden. Not sure what's up with your character.

Author:  Kirsenvar [ Sun Feb 11, 2018 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Borderlands Quest

I will go mess around with it later but the item dropped is not the item described as the one I need, thanks for testing. I will report what I get.

Author:  Kirsenvar [ Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Borderlands Quest

So when I attacked the NPC this time around he dropped something completely different than any of the previous times which ended being the quest item I needed.

Also Lord Triliani is an a hole!

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